With swap.testnet.archethic.net i have this issue with android 14
[AndroidInAppWebViewController] (android) WebView ID 0 calling "onConsoleMessage" using {messageLevel: 1, message: [AWC] Init webmessage}
[AWS-StreamChannel-Webview] Wallet Init WebMessage PortStreamchannel
[AndroidInAppWebViewController] (android) WebView ID 0 calling "onConsoleMessage" using {messageLevel: 1, message: [AWC] Init webmessage Done}
[AndroidInAppWebViewController] (android) WebView ID 0 calling "onConsoleMessage" using {messageLevel: 0, message: Injecting <script> tag. Using callback.}
[AndroidInAppWebViewController] (android) WebView ID 0 calling "onConsoleMessage" using {messageLevel: 2, message: Exception while loading service worker: SecurityError: Failed to register a ServiceWorker for scope ('https://swap.testnet.archethic.net/') with script ('https://swap.testnet.archethic.net/flutter_service_worker.js?v=%223431019299%22'): An SSL certificate error occurred when fetching the script.}
NB: i change in mainnet the url "swap.testnet.archethic.net" -> "swap.testnet.archethic.net/swap" and it works
Describe the problem you discovered
I try some tests on testnet
i hardcoded aeSwap url
With swap.testnet.archethic.net i have this issue with android 14
NB: i change in mainnet the url "swap.testnet.archethic.net" -> "swap.testnet.archethic.net/swap" and it works