archetyped / simple-lightbox-extensions

Feedback & Support for Simple Lightbox Extensions
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[WooCommerce/Support]: Woocommerce with Generatepress Theme not working #113

Closed ALLUMWANDLUNG closed 9 months ago

ALLUMWANDLUNG commented 1 year ago

Description of Problem

lightbox has no effect in woocommerce product view


archetyped commented 1 year ago

Hi, a bit more detail is required to fully evaluate your issue:

  1. Update your original post (click button in top-right corner and choose "Edit") to include the listed details.
  2. Confirm that you have followed all installation/setup steps in the Instructions file included with the WooCommerce extension.
  3. Ensure that SLB itself is installed, activated, and enabled.
  4. Provide a screenshot of SLB's admin settings page.

Once the details are provided, I would be glad to take another look.


ALLUMWANDLUNG commented 1 year ago

thank you, i have a very clean website with just a few plugins and everything is on the newest version with no caching active on the product pages.

here the status from woocommerce, i think there is all you need.

the only idea i have since you said you tested with generatepress is additional variants pictures plugin

that could have an effect

thank you in advacne and i did try your plugin out because of the clean code


WordPress Environment

WordPress address (URL): Site address (URL): WC Version: 7.5.1 REST API Version: ✔ 7.5.1 WC Blocks Version: ✔ 9.6.6 Action Scheduler Version: ✔ 3.5.4 Log Directory Writable: ✔ WP Version: 6.1.1 WP Multisite: ✔ WP Memory Limit: 256 MB WP Debug Mode: – WP Cron: – Language: en_US External object cache: –

Server Environment

Server Info: Apache/2.4 PHP Version: 8.1.14 PHP Post Max Size: 50 MB PHP Time Limit: 120 PHP Max Input Vars: 1000 cURL Version: 7.82.0 OpenSSL/1.0.2k-fips

SUHOSIN Installed: – MySQL Version: 10.5.17-MariaDB-log Max Upload Size: 1 MB Default Timezone is UTC: ✔ fsockopen/cURL: ✔ SoapClient: ✔ DOMDocument: ✔ GZip: ✔ Multibyte String: ✔ Remote Post: ✔ Remote Get: ✔


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Post Type Counts

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Secure connection (HTTPS): ✔ Hide errors from visitors: ✔

Active Plugins (45)

GP Premium: by Tom Usborne – 2.3.0 GenerateBlocks: by Tom Usborne – 1.7.3 GenerateBlocks Pro: by Tom Usborne – 1.5.2 WooCommerce: by Automattic – 7.5.1 WooCommerce Subscriptions: by WooCommerce – 5.0.0 WooCommerce All Products For Subscriptions: by WooCommerce – 4.0.5 WooCommerce Name Your Price: by Kathy Darling – 3.5.1 WooCommerce Product Bundles: by WooCommerce – 6.18.3 Product Likes: by 99w – 2.0.3 WooCommerce URL Coupons: by SkyVerge – 2.14.0 WP Armour - Honeypot Anti Spam: by Dnesscarkey – 2.1.3 WP Search with Algolia: by WebDevStudios – 2.4.0 Solid Affiliate: by Solid Plugins – 1.3.0 Novashare: by forgemedia – 1.4.0 WP Armour Extended - Honeypot Anti Spam: by Dnesscarkey – 1.19 HivePress: by HivePress – 1.7.0 HivePress Favorites: by HivePress – 1.2.2 HivePress Geolocation: by HivePress – 1.3.7 HivePress Reviews: by HivePress – 1.3.0 HivePress Opening Hours: by HivePress – 1.1.3 HivePress SEO: by HivePress – 1.0.0 HivePress Social Links: by HivePress – 1.0.3 FluentCRM - Marketing Automation For WordPress: by WP Email Newsletter Team - FluentCRM – 2.7.40 FluentSMTP: by FluentSMTP & WPManageNinja Team – 2.2.4 Fluent Support: by WPManageNinja LLC – 1.6.9 Fluent Support Pro: by WPManageNinja LLC – 1.6.9 FluentCRM Pro: by Fluent CRM – 2.7.40 MultilingualPress: by Inpsyde GmbH – 4.1.1 WooCommerce Additional Variation Images: by WooCommerce – 2.3.0 Fluent Forms: by Contact Form - WPManageNinja LLC – 4.3.25 Fluent Forms Pro Add On Pack: by Fluent Forms – 4.3.23 Servebolt Optimizer: by Servebolt – 3.5.17 WooCommerce Brands: by WooCommerce – 1.6.44 WooCommerce Conditional Shipping and Payments: by WooCommerce – 1.14.5 WooCommerce Stripe Gateway: by WooCommerce – 7.2.0 WooCommerce PayPal Payments: by WooCommerce – 2.0.3 WooCommerce Conditional Content: by Lucas Stark – 2.2.0 YayMail Pro - WooCommerce Email Customizer: by YayCommerce – 3.2.4 YayMail Addon for Woocommerce Subscriptions: by YayCommerce – 2.2 YayMail Addon for Conditional Logic: by YayCommerce – 2.0 YayMail Addon for WooCommerce Stripe Gateway: by YayCommerce – 1.1 User Switching: by John Blackbourn & contributors – 1.7.0 Germanized for WooCommerce: by vendidero – 3.12.1 YayMail Premium Addon for Germanized for WooCommerce: by YayCommerce – 2.1 Better Search Replace: by WP Engine – 1.4.2

Inactive Plugins (1)

iubenda | All-in-one Compliance for GDPR / CCPA Cookie Consent + more: by iubenda – 3.6.0


API Enabled: ✔ Force SSL: – Currency: EUR (€) Currency Position: right_space Thousand Separator: , Decimal Separator: . Number of Decimals: 2 Taxonomies: Product Types: bundle (bundle) external (external) grouped (grouped) simple (simple) subscription (subscription) variable (variable) variable subscription (variable-subscription)

Taxonomies: Product Visibility: exclude-from-catalog (exclude-from-catalog) exclude-from-search (exclude-from-search) featured (featured) outofstock (outofstock) rated-1 (rated-1) rated-2 (rated-2) rated-3 (rated-3) rated-4 (rated-4) rated-5 (rated-5)

Connected to ✔ Enforce Approved Product Download Directories: ✔ Order datastore: WC_Order_Data_Store_CPT

WC Pages

Shop base: #9 - /shop/ Cart: #10 - /cart/ Checkout: #11 - /checkout/ My account: #12 - /my-account/ Terms and conditions: #13 - /terms-and-conditions/


Name: GP-Child Version: 1.0 Author URL: Child Theme: ✔ Parent Theme Name: GeneratePress Parent Theme Version: 3.3.0 Parent Theme Author URL: WooCommerce Support: ✔


Overrides: GP-Child/woocommerce/myaccount/dashboard.php


WCS_DEBUG: ✔ No Subscriptions Mode: ✔ Live Subscriptions Live URL: Subscriptions-core Library Version: 5.5.0 Subscription Statuses: – WooCommerce Account Connected: ✔ Yes Active Product Key: ❌ No Custom Retry Rules: ✔ No Custom Retry Rule Class: ✔ No Custom Raw Retry Rule: ✔ No Custom Retry Rule: ✔ No Retries Migration Status: ✔ Completed Report Cache Enabled: ✔ Yes Cache Update Failures: ✔ 0 failure

Store Setup

Country / State: Germany — Baden-Württemberg

Subscriptions by Payment Gateway

Payment Gateway Support

Stripe: products refunds tokenization add_payment_method subscriptions subscription_cancellation subscription_suspension subscription_reactivation subscription_amount_changes subscription_date_changes subscription_payment_method_change subscription_payment_method_change_customer subscription_payment_method_change_admin multiple_subscriptions

Stripe SEPA Direct Debit: products refunds tokenization add_payment_method subscriptions subscription_cancellation subscription_suspension subscription_reactivation subscription_amount_changes subscription_date_changes subscription_payment_method_change subscription_payment_method_change_customer subscription_payment_method_change_admin multiple_subscriptions

PayPal: refunds products subscriptions subscription_cancellation subscription_suspension subscription_reactivation subscription_amount_changes subscription_date_changes subscription_payment_method_change subscription_payment_method_change_customer subscription_payment_method_change_admin multiple_subscriptions

Advanced Card Processing: refunds products subscriptions subscription_cancellation subscription_suspension subscription_reactivation subscription_amount_changes subscription_date_changes subscription_payment_method_change subscription_payment_method_change_customer subscription_payment_method_change_admin multiple_subscriptions

Product Bundles

Database Version: 6.18.3 Loopback Test: ✔ Template Overrides: –

Name Your Price

Version: Database version: Template overrides: –

WooCommerce PayPal Payments

Onboarded: ✔ Shop country code: DE WooCommerce currency supported: ✔ Advanced Card Processing available in country: ✔ Pay Later messaging available in country: ✔ Webhook status: – Vault enabled: ✔ Logging enabled: – Reference Transactions: – Used PayPal Checkout plugin: – Tracking enabled: ✔


Enabled Features: activity-panels analytics coupons customer-effort-score-tracks import-products-task experimental-fashion-sample-products shipping-smart-defaults shipping-setting-tour homescreen marketing multichannel-marketing mobile-app-banner navigation onboarding onboarding-tasks remote-inbox-notifications remote-free-extensions payment-gateway-suggestions shipping-label-banner subscriptions store-alerts transient-notices woo-mobile-welcome wc-pay-promotion wc-pay-welcome-page

Disabled Features: minified-js new-product-management-experience product-variation-management settings

Daily Cron: ✔ Next scheduled: 2023-03-28 02:16:57 +02:00 Options: ✔ Notes: 26 Onboarding: skipped

All Products for WooCommerce Subscriptions

Template Overrides: –

Action Scheduler

Complete: 1,174 Oldest: 2023-02-24 19:10:47 +0100 Newest: 2023-03-27 19:41:05 +0200

Failed: 18 Oldest: 2023-03-09 17:56:03 +0100 Newest: 2023-03-26 19:46:04 +0200

Pending: 7 Oldest: 2023-03-27 19:46:04 +0200 Newest: 2023-04-03 00:06:04 +0200

Status report information

Generated at: 2023-03-27 19:43:01 +02:00 `

archetyped commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the WooCommerce details, but I still need the information listed in my first reply, including updating your first post with the necessary details.

Please also note that "newest" or "latest" are not valid versions, as it makes it impossible to accurately replicate your issue.