Closed phases-design closed 9 years ago
FYI - Enable Lightbox for product images is checked under Products > Display
Hi, I would love to help. Please fill in the details of the issue you are having and I would be glad to take a closer look.
It's pretty simply -- the lightbox is not working. I have current versions of WooCommerce, WordPress, Simple Lightbox, and Simple Lightbox Woocommerce plugins installed an enabled.
Under admin > Woocommerce > Products > Display, I checked "enable lightbox for product image"
However, product images open the image as _blank, not in a lightbox.
So basically, the plug in is not working.
p.s. It's not the theme -- same issue with the default 2015 theme as with my custom theme. It;s not a plug in conflict -- same issue happen with default them and ONLY woocommerce, simple lightbox, and simple lightbox woocommerce plugins enabled.
Thank you for the additional information. As requested in the Details section of the support ticket, please provide a link to a page that exhibits the issue you are experiencing and I would be glad to take a closer look.
It's a development site -- not launched yet. I have it blocked to logged in users only. I would be happy to provide you with a user account. Which email should I tie the account to?
When you say "blocked", are you using HTTP authentication to restrict access to the site (e.g. via htaccess)? If so, this can prevent SLB from accessing the resources it needs to function properly.
I would recommend temporarily removing the HTTP authentication to test SLB in a production setting.
I use a plug in "absolute privacy" I have deactivated it for you. FYI, it didn't resolve the issue....
That URI does not appear to working. Let me know when the site is up and I will take a closer look.
The site is now loading and I was able to get a look at it. The Woocommerce add-on is properly activating product images, but there are a few issues that are contributing to keeping SLB itself from functioning properly:
VK.init({apiId: , onlyWidgets: true});
(line 433). JS errors can stop other scripts (such as SLB) from running. Load your page with your browser's developer console to see these errors.Resolving these issues on the site should allow SLB to function properly.
Thank you! I'll look into each of them and post back if there are any issues after.
Had the host enable cURL and everything working like a gem. Thank you!
Glad to hear it :)
Description of issue
Are their settings or something that I need to be looking for? (couldn't find any) I have Woocommerce installed, Simple Lightbox, Simple Lightbox: WooCommerce Activator...all current versions.
So, where oh where are my lightboxes?