archi-contribs / database-plugin

Database export/import plugin that store models in a central database repository
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Neo4J v2.2.2 Bug report - I think #79

Closed BPMConsulting closed 4 years ago

BPMConsulting commented 5 years ago

I have problem with connecting to Neo4j DB in v2,2,2. This is the first time I try neo4j.

using this setting: image

It checks fine, but then a few seconds later, I'll get: image No action in the neo4j log either.

Changing to Expert Mode: image .. and "Check". I'll get the same error message as above . Still no action in the Neo4j log.

Note the JDBC string. There is an <0> added behind the colon. I remove the zero and add the Bolt <7687>. image The config checks fine but this time after trying to connect to DB I get image The difference is that this time I can see that Archi is connecting against Neo4j in the neo4j log. image

So there is hope with this workaround. But this is as far as I get with my limited IT experience. I hope my little workaround can help somebody with technical skills to figure out how to solve the issue.

herve91 commented 4 years ago


Thanks for reporting this issue. I'll conduct some more testing and let you know ASAP.

Best regards Hervé

herve91 commented 4 years ago

I've found the issue.

It will be fixed in the next release.

(I'm waiting for your confirmation before closing this issue)

herve91 commented 4 years ago

Sorry for the delay, I'm very busy at the moment ...

I just sent the version 2.2.4 that fixes this issue.

Could you please confirm ?

BPMConsulting commented 4 years ago

Hi Herve,

Not to worry, we had a work around using CSV files.

I have downloaded and updated the new version, but I’m at a client site all day behind firewalls, so I will try to have a look at it tomorrow when I’m back in my normal environment at my office.

And thank you so much for your contribution to Archi. You truly make a difference for myself and my clients.

Regards, Thomas

herve91 commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your kind message. You're more than welcome.

adisD commented 4 years ago

Hi Herve,

database plugin 2.2.4 seems still to be having login/network issues with neo4j. I do run everything locally on Mac machine. Archi is vresion 4.6 and Neo4j is 4.0.2.

regards, Adis

herve91 commented 4 years ago

Please try plugin 2.2.5, I updated the Neo4J driver to be compliant with Neo4J version 4. It work on my test VM. image

herve91 commented 4 years ago

Could you please confirm your issue is solved ?