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Trouble有警告 #29

Open Akiramex opened 2 weeks ago

Akiramex commented 2 weeks ago


按F9打开Trouble后每打一个字都跳出nvim-web-devicons这个警告,我没有修改plugins里面的东西,字体用的是FiraCode Nerd Font,./bashrc 里面设置了export NERD_FONTS=1

archibate commented 1 week ago


Akiramex commented 1 week ago

另外我想问一下Mason安装cmake-language-server报错:[14/14] spawn:python3 failed with exit code 1 and signal 0.

用的是wsl Ubuntu 22.04 python版本是Python 3.10.12 pip版本是 22.0.2

fanyukino commented 1 week ago

同楼上,我的Mason安装cmake-language-server也报错,error=spawn: python3.10 failed with exit code 1 and signal 0