archimatetool / archi-modelrepository-plugin

coArchi - a plug-in to share and collaborate on Archi models.
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Unable to publish into a TFS repository #90

Closed wwu206 closed 3 years ago

wwu206 commented 5 years ago

I' having trouble to publish models to our TFS git reposirory. The error is: Unable to tunnel through proxy. Proxy returns "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbiden"

Already tried with and without proxy. With/without login user.

Any ideia or help to solve this problem was appreciated.


Phillipus commented 5 years ago

Amy more details than that? What's the format of the URL? HTTPS? SSH?

wwu206 commented 5 years ago

Hi Phil.

Thanks for your quick answer.

The URL is this one with HTTPS: [cid:image002.png@01D4E314.F0C2DB20]


Any clues?

What am I doing wrong?

Best regards, Rui Nuno Simões Arquiteto de SI/TI | IS/IT Architect [Assinatura C] Departamento de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação | Information Systems and Technology Department Núcleo de Arquitetura de SI/TI | IS/IT Architecture Unit

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From: Phil Beauvoir [] Sent: 25 de março de 2019 14:08 To: archimatetool/archi-modelrepository-plugin Cc: Rui Simões; Author Subject: Re: [archimatetool/archi-modelrepository-plugin] Unable to publish into a TFS repository (#90)

Amy more details than that? What's the format of the URL? HTTPS? SSH?

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Phillipus commented 5 years ago

Hard to say. Have a look at Issue #66 and try setting "jdk.http.auth.proxying.disabledSchemes="

Phillipus commented 5 years ago

Or maybe your proxy doesn't allow HTTPS? I'm sorry I can't help you more on this issue as I'm not an expert on this. Hopefully, somebody with more knowledge on this can help.

wwu206 commented 5 years ago

Already tried issue #66 but no change

Phillipus commented 5 years ago

Does the error dialog box start with these words "Cannot connect to proxy:"?

richteambs commented 5 years ago

This looks like it might be the same problem I'm having. When I click Collaboration - Pubilsh Changes, I get a "Refresh Model" error dialog with message "There was an error: https://tfs.server/path/to/repo: not authorized".

Publishing used to work until recently. Unfortunately, several things have changed since I last know it worked:

  1. I updated the plugin to the latest version.
  2. The TFS server was updated to Azure DevOps 2019 (the latest rebrand)
  3. My password has changed

I can't tell which of these has caused it to break - although I suspect not 3, because I've entered the new password in the authentication dialog.

[Edit to add that I can push changes from the command line]

theazyfa commented 5 years ago

Hello, I've the same issue. I add my config maybe it can help. We have a TFS defined on HTTP (On-Prem version Version 16.131.27701.1) Archimate 4.4.0 Plugin 0.5.1

I start by adding the model to workspace and publishing it In the popup it say "Publishing..." And an error occurs ; " There was an error : http://tfs****:8080/tfs/COLLECTION/_git/Archimate: not authorized "

I can't find if it's a login/password issue or not. In my case, our login are like this : Domain\login or login@domain (upn or samaccountname) Is it okay to have special character in the login? (\ or @)

Phillipus commented 5 years ago

Just to say that I personally can't debug this problem unless I have a similar setup and access to TFS. So we really need someone who can run the code and debug it in this same kind of scenario.

theazyfa commented 5 years ago

Hi, I config a devel env on my pc ( eclipse oxigen + archimate code + plugin code) to try to debug my issue. And Finally I find an issue in my TFS config. We need to add & enable "Basic Authentication" on TFS Website in IIS Config and also on the tfs virtual directory defined.

config IIS

I find it with this SF response

For me, there is NO bug in the plugin. Sorry for the mistake (and for my english) Mike.

Phillipus commented 5 years ago

@theazyfa Good news!

richteambs commented 5 years ago

I just wanted to add that, although @theazyfa 's suggestion didn't fix my problem, it led to a conversation with our TFS team that did resolve it. Just in case anyone else ends up here with the same issue, here's what happened.

As part of the upgrade from TFS to Azure DevOps, the TFS team disabled Basic authentication (they only now support Windows authentication). I therefore switched from using my username / password to using personal access tokens. I needed to create a token with the following permissions:

I then pasted the PAT into the password field and left a dummy value in the username field - problem solved!