archimatetool / archi

Archi: ArchiMate Modelling Tool
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[Feature request] namespaces (FQDN) for elements #1024

Open holonsoftFounder opened 4 months ago

holonsoftFounder commented 4 months ago

Lets imagine following scenario and considering "GetData" is different in a more complex tree, but named the same


When now using one of these processes in a view, it is no longer possible to determine which one is related (to its category). The option on the "Label Expression," e.g., $mfolder{name} : ${name}, will also not work in this case because the folders are named identically. We would suggest having a global option to set the label by default to show the FQDN (using the folder path excluding the root model type (Business, Application, ...)).

Renaming the processes exclusively or the parent folders does not make any sense in our opinion because when considering much more complex folders and content due to a lot of processes or any other entities, the FQDN should be the decider of where to put/identify things.