archimatetool / archi

Archi: ArchiMate Modelling Tool
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Archi error on startup (MacOs) - Cannot invoke "org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtensionPoint.getConfigurationElements()" because "point" is null #1074

Open jonnylawrence opened 2 weeks ago

jonnylawrence commented 2 weeks ago

Archi Version


Operating System


Archi Plug-ins

No response


This is related to a corporate desktop, therefore there maybe some constraint or permissions issue. Works fine on my personal laptop.

image001 98

Archi really slow to start. Once started this error continually appears

Steps to reproduce

Archi startup

jonnylawrence commented 2 weeks ago

version 5.3 worked fine on this corporate desktop. only occurring with 5.4 The error also appears each time when you switch view. you can press OK and then continue to edit within the archi view.

Phillipus commented 2 weeks ago

Please post the contents of the error log file. This can be accessed in Archi by selecting the "About Archi" menu item. In the dialog box press the "Installation Details" button, then select the "Configuration" tab and press the "View Error Log" button.

Please ensure that Archi has write access to its data and configuration folders at user.home/Library/Application Support/Archi/ and also at user.home/Documents/Archi

You could also try deleting the folder at user.home/Library/Application Support/Archi/config and re-starting.

jonnylawrence commented 2 weeks ago

archi error log logarchi5.4.txt

jonnylawrence commented 2 weeks ago

Please post the contents of the error log file. This can be accessed in Archi by selecting the "About Archi" menu item. In the dialog box press the "Installation Details" button, then select the "Configuration" tab and press the "View Error Log" button.

Please ensure that Archi has write access to its data and configuration folders at user.home/Library/Application Support/Archi/ and also at user.home/Documents/Archi

You could also try deleting the folder at user.home/Library/Application Support/Archi/config and re-starting.

Unfortunately permissions are good and deleting the config directory did not fix. Thanks

Phillipus commented 2 weeks ago

As I can't reproduce this and we've not had this error reported before now I'm afraid you're going to have to try different things such as re-installing, deleting data folders, etc.

jonnylawrence commented 2 weeks ago

As I can't reproduce this and we've not had this error reported before now I'm afraid you're going to have to try different things such as re-installing, deleting data folders, etc.

Thanks for looking , will do. I presume there was nothing in the log that indicated anything?

Phillipus commented 2 weeks ago

I presume there was nothing in the log that indicated anything?

Only that a tabbed property sheet extension was null which indicates something weird like a corrupt installation, config area or conflict to do with an Archi plug-in or conflicting Archi versions perhaps running at the same time.

The only thing I can suggest is to delete the user.home/Library/Application Support/Archi/config folder, re-download Archi 5.4 and re-install.