archimatetool / archi

Archi: ArchiMate Modelling Tool
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[Feature Request] Concept Validation Status through Outline Style ? #702

Open johmut65 opened 3 years ago

johmut65 commented 3 years ago

Our company uses the outline style of EA concepts to visualize validation status: Draft = Dotted Line, Proposed = Small Dashes, Confident = Large Dashes, Validated = Solid Line. I believe this would be a great feature to add to Archi ... I can imagine "Outline Style" to be configurable by a manual selection out of a dropdown box, as it is in Visio, PowerPoint, ... Even better would be to add the ability to link the Outline Style to a custom Property that can be named "Validation Status" and assign an Outline Style to the different values for that property: Draft = Dotted Line, Proposed ...., Confident ...., Validated ......

Phillipus commented 3 years ago

Outline styles might be something for a future update but, like colours, won't be tied to a particular status or meaning. However, if outlines are implemented in a future update, it should be possible to set them according to some criteria using a jArchi script.

jbsarrodie commented 3 years ago

+1 on being able to customize outline. Agree with Phil that implementation should be kept as simple as possible and not include dynamic changes based on properties.

FWIW, I do have the same need though and I'm thinking about a potential implementation of such "dynamic" feature in jArchi. My idea is to define some standard behavior and some pseudo-language (based on jArchi API) to define them, e.g. el.fillColor = el.prop("Some Prop") ? "Critical" : red. Then a very generic script could be used to update the view.

johmut commented 7 months ago

Hi Guys, it's been a while.... Happy to see that element Line Colour, -Width and -Opacity made it into Archi. Would it now be possible to also add Line Style please? I could very well use: solid, dotted and dashed (short & long), the standard bunch really. Can I have your thoughts?

Phillipus commented 7 months ago

As I'm tied up with so many other developments on Archi (coArchi 2, profiles, important maintenance and build issues, etc.) and there's only one of me ;-) , this one will have to wait a bit longer.