archimatetool / archi

Archi: ArchiMate Modelling Tool
MIT License
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[Feature Request] Specialization appearance and property defaults #877

Open alanwongCGC opened 1 year ago

alanwongCGC commented 1 year ago

Something I would find very useful is to have the ability to describe default appearance and default properties (perhaps including default values) for a specialization. (This already is the case for the "Image" property where it takes the image "From Specialization")

For example, if I wanted Data Object specializations of "Database", "Table", "Attribute", it would default to set a different fill colours for each object and a set of properties that would be defaulted (e.g. "Attribute" might include a property "Data Type")

Similarly, you might want to have default Label expressions for each specialization that would use the properties unique to the specialization.

I love Archi!


Phillipus commented 1 year ago

Profiles of default properties for a Specialization are planned for the future.

rchevallier commented 1 year ago


smileham commented 1 year ago

Really interested in this one... I end up adding in a label of: ${name}${if:${specialization}: «${specialization}»} for each element.