archimatetool / archi

Archi: ArchiMate Modelling Tool
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[Feature Request] Technology Evolution Tracker #957

Closed krisrr3 closed 10 months ago

krisrr3 commented 10 months ago

Technology enterprises are constantly evolving, and it is hard to keep track of all past, current and future modernization initiatives in a relatively automated manner. Leaders who need to understand historical decisions need the information pretty quickly and it can be a humongous task due to the information being scattered and attrition.

The reasons that make it important to keep track of the technology evolution of an enterprise in one tool

  1. understand history of an enterprise
  2. understand the outcome of previous investments and better predict future outcomes
  3. reduce the risk of reducing momentum due to unclear prior decisions during leadership change
  4. engage engineering and management community on the evolution journey

I am proposing to develop a plugin (with community support) to aggregate data from various sources and create views in Archimate that will be relevant to various stakeholder levels.


Keen to get initial feedback and understand if this is worthwhile implementing.

Phillipus commented 10 months ago

Keen to get initial feedback and understand if this is worthwhile implementing.

Hi, thanks for the summary of your idea.

If you want to reach a wider audience for feedback you probably should set up your own space for the project (perhaps a GH repo) and then point folks to it so they can feed back on your ideas/sketches/etc. You could also ask for user feedback on the Archi Forum.

I am proposing to develop a aggregate data from various sources and create views in Archimate that will be relevant to various stakeholder levels.

You might be able to do some, or all, of that with jArchi, or at least prototype it in jArchi.

krisrr3 commented 10 months ago

Thanks for the reply Phil.

I will do some research on JArchi. But would you be able to point me to a documentation on getting started with Plugin Architecture and Development 101.

Also will post it on the forum.

Phillipus commented 10 months ago

But would you be able to point me to a documentation on getting started with Plugin Architecture and Development 101.

krisrr3 commented 10 months ago

thanks ....I read it before, was hoping there was an archetype (Maven Archetype) :-)...let me follow it in the next few weeks.

fyi...posted it here -

Phillipus commented 10 months ago

I'll close the issue here because it's neither a bug report or a feature that I will implement. Hope you get some feedback on the forum and elsewhere.