archimatetool / archi

Archi: ArchiMate Modelling Tool
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Issue Accessing Embedded cacerts in Latest Archi Version on Mac with Default JRE #961

Closed fkaputa closed 9 months ago

fkaputa commented 9 months ago

I recently updated to the latest version of Archi 5.1 on my Mac, and I've come across an issue that I hope someone here might have a solution to. Previously, I was able to access the embedded cacerts in the JRE using the keytool with the default password changeit. However, with the latest version, it seems that the default password is no longer working for me.

Has anyone else encountered this problem? Did the default password change in this version or is there a different method to access the cacerts now? Any help or insights on this would be greatly appreciated

Phillipus commented 9 months ago

This is not really an Archi issue but one of Java. Archi on Mac ships with Temurin Java 17. Can you search online for the password or anything to do with this issue?

jbsarrodie commented 9 months ago

As a workaround, you don't need to update the cacertsshipped with the JVM: you can create your own (e.g. by reusing one from another JVM that you've already successfully patched) and tell Archi to use it by editing the Archi.ini file and adding this line at the end:
Phillipus commented 9 months ago

I checked this and the password is correct (changeit) with this command line:

keytool -list -keystore

fkaputa commented 9 months ago

Thanks, the keytool command still works, but I reckon my issue was the sudo messing up the cacerts access.