Closed gabriel-happle closed 7 years ago
The library schedule from SIA2024 is added to the archetype schedule. We might have to investigate the monthly variation (because the vacation periods are probably different....). Action: check NTU calendar and confirm with ecocampus
1. Schedules: Schedule information was extracted from SIA 2024:2015 4.3 Bibliothek Daily hot water use is not actually included in SIA 2024. This profile was assumed to be the same as the occupancy profile.
2. Architecture properties: Following the CEA documentation, a variety of sources were used.
2.1. type_shade: assume the same as SCHOOL
2.2. win_wall: assume the same as SCHOOL
2.3. occ_m2p: taken from SIA 2024:2015
2.4. n50: Weber et al. (2014) – same for all uses except homes
2.5. win_op: assumed 0.5 for all uses except homes
2.6. f_cros: European committee of standardization (2014) – used 0 for “all other uses” as defined in the source
2.7. type_roof, type_wall, type_win: assumed for CEA; for the new archetypes, the most common values were used (i.e., same as for schools and many others)
3. Indoor comfort: The CEA database is also based on SIA 2024:2015 4.3 Bibliothek : 3.1. Tcs_set, Ths_set, Ve_lps: taken from SIA 2024 3.2. Tcs_setback is not actually in SIA 2024. Assumed 28°C for all uses (as done in CEA database) 3.3. Ths_setback is not actually in SIA 2024. Assumed 12°C for all uses (as done for most uses in CEA database)
4. Internal loads: According to the CEA documentation, a variety of sources were used.
4.1. Qs_Wp, X_ghp, Ea_Wm2, El_Wm2: SIA 2024:2015 4.3 Bibliothek
4.2. Vw, Vww: CEA archetypes aren't actually based on SIA 2024. The data from SCHOOL
is adopted.
4.3. Epro_Wm2, Ere_Wm2, Ed_Wm2: 0
5. HVAC: Assume the same systems as in SCHOOL
6. Thermal: According to the CEA documentation, some values were taken from Girardin (2012), others from a combination of ECA, Gebäudeparkmodell and SIA 380/1 (no precise calculation given). So the following were assumed:
6.1. Es, Hs: 0.9 was used for all uses except homes, parking and server rooms; 0.9 was assumed for the new uses as well
6.2. Thermal mass: the same values were assumed for all buildings, so the same was done for the new uses
6.3. U_wall, U_roof, U_base, U_win: values for construction year >2005 and renovation were the same from all uses (from GPM), thus the same was assumed; for older buildings, the data from SCHOOL
is used.
7. Embodied energy and emissions: According to CEA documentation, these values were taken from Thoma et al. (2014) except for services and excavation, which were taken from SIA 2032.
The same data for SCHOOL
archetype is used.
Include Library Occupancy in DB. Data from SIA2024.