architecture-building-systems / hive

Rhino Grasshopper plug-in for quick & dirty building simulation
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Building properties/ short descriptions of "volumetric airflow rate" and "g value total" would help #619

Open lillaa opened 3 years ago

lillaa commented 3 years ago


In the exercise 1- Refurbisment under the _building properties/ I had the feeling that a small description (like by the PV panels) would be very helpful by some of the settings.

1. Under the building properties/ envelope there is an option where you can set the g value and the g value total of the window. What is the difference? I have never heard about "g value total" and haven't found anything on the internet. (It is probably my fault).

2. Under the ventilation, you can set the volumetric airflow Well, I have very little knowledge about this field, but probably this is generally true for architects. Once, I used another platform to calculate the airflow rate of my project (, see image below) where the usual volumetric airflow was much higher for normal spaces - between 9 -75 m3/ m2h. Maybe, therefore, a small description of the values and options would help enormously, to get a feeling about what you are changing and what the consequences are. (e.g. bigger ventilation pipes, more noise according to the higher flow rate etc.) about volumetric air flow:

Bildschirmfoto 2021-06-28 um 14 06 41
maxenceryan commented 3 years ago

hey! Thanks for the feedback.

  1. g_value total is meant to be the g_value for a window+shading, which is why it is lower (some blinds are not fully opaque so light comes through). I agree the naming may be confusing so we will have a look

  2. Yes more descriptions of the parameters could be helpful, thanks for your perspective :) Regarding consequences, that's an interesitng point. We started to look at this concerning other parameters to give some kind of warning when changing a value, so perhaps we can use this approach for more parameters