architecture-building-systems / sia_380-1-full_version

This code is the python implemented form of SIA380-1. It is not a simplified version.
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Weather files (RCP 4.5 and 8.5) not calculating losses for certain months #118

Closed kuhnal closed 3 years ago

kuhnal commented 3 years ago

Weather files with RCP 4.5 or 8.5 ( for Bern and for Zurich) generate the error: "Keine Transmissionswärmeverluste q_t_107, Kein Lüftungswärmeverlust".

I do not see the underlying issue yet, weatherfiles have the same number of columns and rows as the ones that work. There are no other columns containing only 0 than the ones in the weatherfiles that work (as far as I can tell from the first few rows).

Linwal commented 3 years ago

This error is generated if there are no heat losses according to SIA380-1 heat demand calculation in one month. This is the case when the outside temperature is warmer than the indoor temperature set point. In the end there should still be a heating demand in the result files over the whole year.

I added this warning at one point to get notified when there are months without any heating demand. You can either ignore it or remove it. (or specify that it is only in one month and not for the whole year)

Of course there are always months with no heating demand, already now without climate change but only because of solar gains and internal gains and not because there are no losses. So it could be that the climate change scenarios lead to months with average temperatures above the heating set point. Let's hope we can avoid this..

kuhnal commented 3 years ago

Thank you! That makes sense. I will look into this a bit more in detail next week.

kuhnal commented 3 years ago

A final update on this issue before closing it: it will only generate this warning for the months of June and July, hence it can be neglected. Average temperatures for these months are between 22 and 24°C.