architolk / Linked-Data-Theatre

The Linked Data Theatre is a platform for an optimal presentation of Linked Data
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how to change a LDT-varable <@var@> into a string? #43

Closed GeraldGrootRoessink closed 7 years ago

GeraldGrootRoessink commented 7 years ago

I figured out how to retrieve data form the BAG register with a SPARQL-query:

prefix geo: prefix geosparql: select distinct ?pc ?hn ?na ?vo ?pand ?geo ?wkt WHERE { SERVICE { ?na rdf:type . BIND ("3527XL"^^ AS ?pc)
?na ?pc BIND ("2"^^ AS ?hn) ?na ?hn . ?vo ?na . OPTIONAL {?vo ?pand . ?pand geosparql:hasGeometry ?geo. ?geo geosparql:asWKT ?wkt.} . } } Now I would like tot put this query behind a URI-pattern like this:

I have tried several options to bind the variable to ?pc( and likewise ?hn): BIND (@PC@>^^< AS ?pc) ERROR BIND (<@PC@> AS ?pc) NOT FOUND BIND (str(<@PC@>) AS ?pc NOT FOUND BIND (strdt(<@PC@>,xsd:string) AS ?pc) FOUND BIND (xsd:string(<@PC@>) AS ?pc) NOT FOUND

Number 4 does the tric, but is very much slower then the example above. Is there a better way? Thanks for your attention Gerald Groot Roessink (Dienst UItvoering Onderwijs)

architolk commented 7 years ago

Most simple solution is not use the ?pc at all, but simply use "@PC@": select * where {?na bag:postcode "@PC@"}

architolk commented 7 years ago

You might experience a problem with datatype, but that can be solved with: select * where {?na bag:postcode "@PC@"^^xsd:string

architolk commented 7 years ago

At runtime, the LDT simple replaces the @PC@ with the corresponding value from the parameter, so the actual executed query will be: select * where {?na bag:postcode "3527XL"^^xsd:string}

architolk commented 7 years ago

Another tip: you might want to use elmo:endpoint <> instead of a SERVICE clause: you are not using the data in your local triplestore, so you could access the sparql endpoint at directly. By the way: did you now that the official BAG is now available at

GeraldGrootRoessink commented 7 years ago

got it. it works nice now with the offcial BAG. Thanks