architolk / Linked-Data-Theatre

The Linked Data Theatre is a platform for an optimal presentation of Linked Data
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Missing include: oxf:/ops/utils/formatting/formatting.xsl #67

Open vimaldarjiv26 opened 6 years ago

vimaldarjiv26 commented 6 years ago

This line in "theme-error.xsl" file giving an error about Missing include: oxf:/ops/utils/formatting/formatting.xsl

when i try to find it will not available in any folder of git repo.

Can you please help me to resolve my problem?

architolk commented 6 years ago

I think that it is part of the orbeon snapshot. It might be present in one of the orbeon jars, I'm not sure, but the 'oxf:' will probably not be correctly resolved by your IDE.

ifourvimal commented 6 years ago

Which IDE you prefer for the run this project "Link Data Theater"?Can you please suggest me.I am new to XSLT.Thanks for the help.

architolk commented 6 years ago

I'm using Notepad++, but you can't really call that an IDE :-). Eclipse is a pretty good IDE in most cases, and I would say that it should be possible the ignore these kind of errors, but I cannot really comment how to :-(.