archivematica / Issues

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AM 1.16 testing: Rocky #1679

Closed sromkey closed 4 months ago

sromkey commented 5 months ago

1 - Transfer Types


Severity: Medium

Given the user is processing a Transfer but they want to use decision point settings that are different from the “Default” processing configuration.

When they have defined additional processing configuration profiles in in the Archivematica Administration tab (e.g. “mycustom_processing_config”)


When SampleTransfer/ZippedDirectoryTransfers/ is processed using the Zipped Directory transfer type


Severity: High

External tools: 7zip

When SampleTransfer/ is processed using the Zipped Bag transfer type


Severity: High

When SampleTransfer/DSpaceExport (or one of the zips contained inside) is processed using the DSpace transfer type


Severity: Medium

External tools: tsk_recover (Sleuthkit), unrar-free

When SampleTransfer/ISODiskImage is processed using the Disk Image transfer type AND disk image metadata has been added before the transfer is started

2 - Transfer Variants


Severity: High

Current coverage in AMAUAT: Ok / Implicit

AMAUAT tests: create-aip.feature

When a transfer containing descriptive and rights metadata (SampleTransfer/DemoTransferCSV) is processed


Severity: High

Current coverage in AMAUAT: Ok / Implicit

When a Transfer containing Submission Documentation (SampleTransfer/DemoTransferCSV) is processed


Severity: Medium

When a transfer containing multi-level descriptive metadata (SampleTransfer/CSVmultiLevel) is processed


Severity: High

Current coverage in AMAUAT: Ok / Implicit

When a transfer containing descriptive metadata for individual files using a metadata.csv (SampleTransfer/CSVmetadata) is processed


Severity: High

When a transfer with files that have been manually normalized outside of Archivematica (TestTransfers/ManualNormalization) is processed, and "Normalize for preservation and access" is selected at the Normalization microservice


Severity: High

With “Normalization” set to None and “Approve normalization” set to None in the default processing config, process a transfer using SampleTransfers/AccessCopies, “Job: Normalize” should only give three options - choose “Normalize for preservation”.


Severity: Medium

With “Normalization” set to None and “Approve normalization” set to None in the default processing config, run SampleTransfers/ServiceCopies transfer and choose “Normalize service files for access”.


Severity: Medium

When SampleTransfers/ProcessingMCP is processed using the Standard transfer type


Severity: Medium

When SampleTransfers/BagExamples/SimpleBagWithProcessingMCP is processed as a Zipped Bag transfer


Given that a transfer contains a premis.xml file (SampleTransfers/PremisImporter)

When the premis.xml file is parsed into the Archivematica METS file


Given that a transfer contains an identifiers.json file (SampleTransfers/DemoTransferCSV)

When the identifiers.json file is imported into Archivematica after the Objects are ingested

3 - Virus scanning


Severity: High

AMAUAT tests: virus.feature

When a transfer containing a virus is processed (TestTransfers/virusTests)

4 - Special Characters


Severity: High

When a transfer contains files and directories with non-ASCII characters in the file/directory name (TestTransfers/badNames)


Severity: Medium

When the transfer name contains non-ASCII characters


When a transfer contains files with non-ASCII characters in the file name as well as a metadata.csv file (SampleTransfers/DiacriticsTest)

5 - File Identification


Severity: High

External tools: Siegfried

Given that Siegfried is set as the file identification tool

AND the Processing Configuration in the Administration settings has "Perform file format identification (Transfer)" set to Yes

When a transfer that includes known formats is processed (e.g. SampleTransfers/Images)


Severity: High

External tools: Siegfried

Given that Siegfried is set as the file identification tool

When a transfer includes a format that is unknown to Siegfried (try sampleTransfers/Multimedia) and is processed with "Perform file format identification (Transfer)" set to Yes


Severity: High

External tools: Fido

Given that Fido is set as the file identification tool

When a transfer is processed with "Perform file format identification (Transfer)" set to Yes


Severity: High

External tools: Fido

Given that Fido is set as the file identification tool

AND the Processing Configuration in the Administration settings has "Perform file format identification (Transfer)" set to Yes

When a transfer that includes known formats is processed (e.g. SampleTransfers/Images)


Severity: High

External tools: Fido

Given that Fido is set as the file identification tool

When a transfer includes a format that is unknown to Fido is processed with "Perform file format identification (Transfer)" set to Yes


Severity: High

External tools: File extension script

Given that File Extension is set as the file identification tool

When a transfer is processed with "Perform file format identification (Transfer)" set to Yes


Severity: Medium

When a transfer is processed with "Perform file format identification (Transfer)" set to No

6 - Package Extraction


Severity: Medium

When a transfer containing a package (SampleTransfers/OfficeDocs) is processed with "Extract packages" set to Yes and "Delete packages after extraction" set to Yes


Severity: Medium

When a transfer containing a package (SampleTransfers/OfficeDocs) is processed with "Extract packages" set to Yes and "Delete packages after extraction" set to No

7 - Characterization


Severity: High

Current coverage in AMAUAT: TBC - need to check which tools we use now

External tools: FFprobe, ExifTool, MediaInfo, FITS, fiwalk (Sleuthkit)

When a transfer is processed

8 - Validation


Severity: Medium

Current coverage in AMAUAT: TBC

External tools: MediaConch

When a transfer containing Matroska files (SampleTransfers/Matroska) is processed

9 - Normalization


Severity: High

Given that a transfer contains file formats for which there are preservation and access normalization rules When the user selects "normalize for preservation and access" at the Normalize job


Severity: Medium

External tools: convert (ImageMagick)

When a transfer is processed with "Generate thumbnails" set to Yes


Severity: High

Given that a transfer contains file formats for which there are preservation normalization rules

When the user selects "normalize for preservation" at the Normalize job


Severity: Medium

Given that a transfer contains service files (SampleTransfers/ServiceCopies)

When the user selects "normalize service files for access" at the Normalize job


Severity: High

Given that a transfer contains file formats for which there are normalization rules

When the user selects "do not normalize" at the Normalize job


Severity: Medium

Given that a user selects "normalize manually" at the Normalize job

When the user manually inserts normalized files into the SIP (by accessing the pipeline's processing location directly via SSH or SFTP) using the required directory structure (see documentation)

And then selects "Approve" at the Approve normalization job


Severity: Medium

Given that the user has manually normalized the files as per 9.1.5

When the user clicks on the metadata icon and then "Manual normalization event detail"


Severity: High

Given that a transfer contains file formats for which there are access normalization rules

When the user selects "normalize for access" at the Normalize job


Severity: Medium

Given that a transfer includes an access directory with manually normalized access derivatives (SampleTransfers/AccessCopies)

When the user reaches the Normalize job


Severity: Medium

Given that a transfer includes a preservation directory with manually normalized preservation derivatives (SampleTransfers/PreservationCopies)

When the user reaches the Normalize job and chooses "Normalize for Preservation"


Severity: Medium

When a transfer is processed with "Generate thumbnails" set to Yes, without default


Severity: Medium

When a transfer is processed with "Generate thumbnails" set to No


Severity: Medium

External tools: Tesseract

Given that a transfer contains a file that can be transcribed (SampleTransfers/OCRImage)

When a transfer is processed with "Transcribe files (OCR)" set to Yes

10 - Performance & Resilience


Severity: Medium

When multiple transfers are started at the same time


Severity: Medium

When a transfer with a large number of files is processed


Severity: Medium

When a large transfer is processed (20Gb+)


Severity: Medium

When a user clicks on the Remove button for a single completed transfer/SIP on the Transfer or Ingest tab


Severity: Medium

When a user clicks on the Remove button for all transfers/SIPs on the Transfer or Ingest tab

11 - Add Metadata


Severity: Medium

Given that a user wants to record rights metadata for the transfer using the GUI form

When they click on the metadata icon for a transfer/SIP proir to the metadata reminder microservice


Severity: High

Given that a user wants to record descriptive metadata for the transfer using the GUI form

When they click on the metadata icon for a transfer/SIP proir to the metadata reminder microservice


Severity: High

Given that the accession number field is filled out for a new transfer

When the transfer is processed

12 - Backlog


Severity: High

Given that a user has sent a transfer to backlog at “Job: Create SIP(s)?"

When the user downloads the transfer from the backlog


Severity: High

Given that a transfer is in the backlog

When the user searches the backlog using the search interface on the Backlog tab


Severity: Medium

Given that a transfer is in the backlog

When the user creates a delete request and the delete request is approved in the Storage Service

13 - Appraisal


Severity: High

Given that a transfer is in the backlog

When the user searches using the search interface on the Appraisal tab


Severity: Medium

Given that the user has searched for some material to populate the backlog pane

When the user selects Collapse all/Expand all


Severity: Medium

Given that a user has selected several files in the Backlog pane

When the user selects Deselect all


Severity: Medium

Given that a user has selected several files in the Backlog pane

When they add a tag to the selected files


Severity: Medium

Given that a user has added tags to several items

When they create a SIP from the tags in the Arrangement tab

14 - Access integrations


Severity: High

Given that the AtoM integration is configured

When a user uploads a DIP to AtoM


Severity: High

Given that a transfer contains Dublin Core descriptive metadata for individual objects

When the user uploads the DIP to AtoM


Severity: Medium

Given that a user has arranged digital objects/directories using the Arrangement pane of the Appraisal tab

When the DIP is uploaded to AtoM


Severity: Medium

Given that a user has applied levels of description to digital objects/directories using the Arrangement pane of the Appraisal tab

When the DIP is uploaded to AtoM


Severity: Medium

Given that a user has added a valid AtoM slug to the access system ID box in the transfer widget

When the DIP is uploaded to AtoM


Severity: Medium

Given that a transfer includes a metadata.csv

When "Upload DIP to CONTENTdm" is selected during the Upload DIP microservice

15 - Archival Storage


Severity: Medium

Given that an AIP has been stored

When the user wants to upload the digital object metadata for the AIP objects to an AtoM description


Severity: Medium

Given that a transfer/SIP is at a decision point where rejecting is an option

When the user selects to reject the transfer/SIP


Severity: High

Given that there are AIPs in storage

When the user does a search with "Show files?" selected


Severity: Medium

Given that the user has done a search in the Archival Storage tab

When the user clicks on "Create an AIC"


Severity: High

Given that an AIP has been stored and the user has navigated to the AIP storage page

When the user clicks on "Download"


Severity: Medium

Given that an AIP has been stored and the user has navigated to the AIP storage page

When the user clicks on "View" to view the METS file


Severity: Medium

Given that an AIP has been stored and the user has navigated to the AIP storage page

When the user clicks on "View" to view the pointer file


Severity: High

Current coverage in AMAUAT: Ok / Implicit (test does not include adding metadata)

AMAUAT tests: reingest-aip.feature

Given that an AIP has been stored

When the user selects "Metadata re-ingest" from the AIP information page


Severity: High

Current coverage in AMAUAT: Ok / Implicit (test does not specify DIP creation)

AMAUAT tests: reingest-aip.feature

Given that an AIP has been stored

When the user selects "Partial re-ingest" from the AIP information page


Severity: High

Given that an AIP has been stored

When the user requests deletion of the AIP from the AIP information page


Given that an encrypted storage location exists

When an AIP is stored in the encrypted storage location


Given that a storage location has a replicator location connected to it

When an AIP is stored in the storage location

16 - Preservation Planning


Severity: Medium

Given that the file identification command is set to Siegfried

When the user enables Fido


Severity: High

Given that the user has disabled a command

When a transfer that would normally call that command is processed


Severity: Medium

Given that a user has edited a command

When a transfer that calls the command is processed


Severity: High

Given that a user has edited a command

When the user wants to revert to the previous command

17 - Administration


Severity: High

Given that the user is on the Administration tab > Processing configuration

When the user selects "Edit"


Severity: High

Given that the user has changed some values in the default processing configuration

When a transfer is started from the dashboard


Severity: Medium

Given that the user is on the Administration tab > Processing configuration

When the user selects "Download"


Severity: Medium

Given that the user has changed some values in the default processing configuration

When the user selects "Reset"


Severity: Medium

Given that the user is on the Administration tab > Processing configuration

When the user selects "Add"


Given that the user is on the Administration tab > Storage locations

When the user increases or decreases the amount of material in a given storage location


Severity: Medium

Given that the user is on the Administration tab > Processing storage usage

When the user selects "Calculate disk usage”


Severity: Medium

Given that the user is on the Administration tab > Processing storage usage and has calculated disk usage

When the user selects "Clear" for one of the storage locations


Severity: High

Given that the credentials have been added to the DIP Upload page for an AtoM, Binder, or ArchivesSpace instance

When the user uploads a DIP to those systems


Severity: High

Given that the user has changed a language in Administration > Languages

When the user views the dashboard


Severity: Medium

When the user checks the version on Administration > Version

18 - Users & Permissions


Severity: High

Given that a user is an administrator

When the user goes to Administration > Users


Severity: High

Given that a user is not an administrator

When the user goes to the Administration tab


Severity: Medium

When LDAP is configured


Severity: Medium

When CAS is configured

19 - Failure Reports & Notifications


Severity: High

Given that a transfer has failed

When the user views Administration > Failures


Severity: High

Given that a user has a valid email address

When a transfer fails

20 - System Config Options


Severity: Medium

Given that indexing has been disabled for a pipeline

When the user opens the dashboard

21 - Storage Service


Severity: High

Given that Fixity has been configured

When the user views the Packages tab of the Storage Service


Severity: High

Given that there is a DIP in storage

When the user deletes the DIP from the Packages tab


Severity: Medium

AIP Recovery


Severity: High

Given that a user has requested that an AIP be deleted using the Delete interface in the dashboard

When a Storage Service admin approves the Deletion requests in the Storage Service


Severity: High

Given that a user has requested that an AIP be deleted using the Delete interface in the dashboard

When a Storage Service admin rejects the Deletion requests in the Storage Service

22 - METS Validation


Severity: High

External tools: METS-RW

Given that an AIP METS file has been created

When the user validates the METS file against the PREMIS in METS Toolbox validator ( or against another online validator such as


Severity: High

Current coverage in AMAUAT: Ok / Implicit (test does not specify all METS/PREMIS sections)

AMAUAT tests: transfer-microservices.feature

External tools: METS-RW

Given that an AIP METS file has been created

When the user validates the METS file against the Archivematica METS profile (created by Evelyn, not hosted anywhere yet...)