archiver-appliance / epicsarchiverap

This is an implementation of an archiver for EPICS control systems that aims to archive millions of PVs.
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http 404 error when i click the button "quick chart" #129

Closed RuizheIsaf closed 2 years ago

RuizheIsaf commented 2 years ago

hi everyone, As the figure show, "404 not found" occur when i clicked the button "Quick chart" in order to show the history data of a PV, i think perhaps that i don't have the software "archViewer"? or some problems of Tomcat? I'm not sure if this is a problem with the environment configuration, but other features work well, could you help me to check the problem. looking forward to your reply and thanks a lot Ruizhe AA_question AA1 AA2

aawdls commented 2 years ago

Have you looked in the log files (usually going to /var/log/tomcat/)? I would look in the retrieval log first. Can you retrieve data by other means, e.g. JSON and PB via the API?

The quick chart is provided by the svg_viewer git submodule. Is it possible that this was not included in your installation?

jeonghanlee commented 2 years ago

Please check your XML file especially data_retrieval_url to compare to the following guide section Create an appliances.xml

Your front-end to end-users should be one of two instances or an independent one.

HTH @jeonghanlee

RuizheIsaf commented 2 years ago

@aawdls @jeonghanlee thanks for your help~~ I have found the reason, because the loss of package "svg_viewer". I git clone the directly but the directory "svg_viewer" is empty, then i check the "MakeFile" written by @jeonghanlee and find that perhaps "svg_viewer" need to be downloaded by using "git submodule update "(in fact, i don't know why we need to this...) what's more, i really don't understand how epics AA distribute PV to each appliance of a cluster(which has 3 ~ 5 appliances), according to RAM or CPU capacity...? If an appliance crash, the PVs which are archived in this appliance will be moved to other appliances automatically? Thanks again for your time and help! Ruizhe

jeonghanlee commented 2 years ago

Not for this repository, but in a different repository,

make init calls git submodule update within the rule. It looks like there is something wrong in somewhere.

HTH, Han

slacmshankar commented 2 years ago

Is there anything that needs to be done for this?

jeonghanlee commented 2 years ago

@slacmshankar I think, he found the solution. We can close this.

RuizheIsaf commented 2 years ago

@slacmshankar @jeonghanlee yes, i have found the solution, thank you for your helps.