archlinux / archinstall

Arch Linux installer - guided, templates etc.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Partition code not supported #2467

Closed medmedin2014 closed 2 months ago

medmedin2014 commented 2 months ago

I download the latest archlinux-2024.04.01-x86_64.iso, and every time I start archinstall it shows:

Partition code not supported:1
Partition code not supported:1
Partition code not supported:1
Partition code not supported:2

I have dual boot Manjaro with Windows10 without any secure boot and using BIOS/MBR (DOS), and just want to replace Manjaro installed on one ext4 partition with Archlinux.

sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda                                                                                                                                                         
[sudo] password for mohamed: 
Disk /dev/sda: 232.89 GiB, 250059350016 bytes, 488397168 sectors
Disk model: Hitachi HTS54502
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: dos
Disk identifier: 0x788b7730

Device     Boot     Start       End   Sectors   Size Id Type
/dev/sda1  *         2048    206847    204800   100M  7 HPFS/NTFS/exFAT
/dev/sda2          206848 189528063 189321216  90.3G  7 HPFS/NTFS/exFAT
/dev/sda3       189530110 488394751 298864642 142.5G  f W95 Ext'd (LBA)
/dev/sda5       295323648 409180159 113856512  54.3G  7 HPFS/NTFS/exFAT
/dev/sda6       409182208 488394751  79212544  37.8G  7 HPFS/NTFS/exFAT
/dev/sda7       189532160 282623999  93091840  44.4G 83 Linux
/dev/sda8       282626048 295321599  12695552   6.1G 82 Linux swap / Solaris

Partition table entries are not in disk order.
lsblk -f                                                                                                                                                                       
NAME   FSTYPE  FSVER            LABEL       UUID                                 FSAVAIL FSUSE% MOUNTPOINTS
├─sda1 ntfs                                 D606FB6E06FB4E4D                                    
├─sda2 ntfs                     C           0A36AFE336AFCE4F                        5.2G    94% /mnt/0A36AFE336AFCE4F
├─sda5 ntfs                     D           FEF0C76EF0C72C29                      243.1M   100% /mnt/FEF0C76EF0C72C29
├─sda6 ntfs                     E           989A18F59A18D19C                      837.5M    98% /mnt/989A18F59A18D19C
├─sda7 ext4    1.0              System      27f1e53c-a759-44e7-ae10-d29787a0506e    5.5G    82% /
└─sda8 swap    1                            666d47c6-ca11-4222-aeaa-7eac4d05b4f5                [SWAP]
sdb    iso9660 Joliet Extension ARCH_202404 2024-04-01-17-57-21-00                              
├─sdb1 iso9660 Joliet Extension ARCH_202404 2024-04-01-17-57-21-00                              
└─sdb2 vfat    FAT16            ARCHISO_EFI 5B0E-F324                                           
cat /etc/fstab                                                                                                                                                                 
# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a device; this may
# be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices that works even if
# disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
# <file system>             <mount point>  <type>  <options>  <dump>  <pass>
/dev/disk/by-uuid/0A36AFE336AFCE4F /mnt/0A36AFE336AFCE4F ntfs3 defaults,nofail,x-gvfs-show,x-gvfs-name=C 0 0
/dev/disk/by-uuid/FEF0C76EF0C72C29 /mnt/FEF0C76EF0C72C29 ntfs3 defaults,nofail,x-gvfs-show,x-gvfs-name=D 0 0
/dev/disk/by-uuid/989A18F59A18D19C /mnt/989A18F59A18D19C ntfs3 defaults,nofail,x-gvfs-show,x-gvfs-name=E 0 0
/dev/disk/by-uuid/D606FB6E06FB4E4D /mnt/D606FB6E06FB4E4D ntfs3 nosuid,nodev,nofail,noauto 0 0
UUID=666d47c6-ca11-4222-aeaa-7eac4d05b4f5 none swap defaults 0 0
UUID=27f1e53c-a759-44e7-ae10-d29787a0506e / ext4 defaults,noatime,x-gvfs-name=System,x-gvfs-show 0 1
svartkanin commented 2 months ago

It would be helpful if you submit the installation log /var/log/archinstall/install.log This might be the related to Does this message actually prevent you from continuing?

medmedin2014 commented 2 months ago


Error calling lsblk: lsblk: /dev/sda1: not a block device
   "blockdevices": [


Partition code not supported: 2
Partition code not supported: 1
Could not determine the filesystem: parted.FileSystem instance --
  type: linux-swap(v1)  geometry: <parted.geometry.Geometry object at 0x775587d3b550>  checked: False
  PedFileSystem: <_ped.FileSystem object at 0x775587d3b9c0>
Partition code not supported: 1
Partition code not supported: 1
Partition code not supported: 1
Hardware model detected: Acer T; UEFI mode: False
Processor model detected: Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU       T4400  @ 2.20GHz
Memory statistics: 4685944 available out of 5907852 total installed
Could not detect virtual system: ['/usr/bin/systemd-detect-virt'] exited with abnormal exit code [1]: none

System is not running in a VM: ['/usr/bin/systemd-detect-virt'] exited with abnormal exit code [1]: none

Virtualization detected: None; is VM: False
Graphics devices detected: dict_keys(['Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)'])
Disk states before installing: [
        "children": [],
        "fsavail": 0,
        "fsroots": [
        "fstype": "squashfs",
        "fsuse_percentage": "100%",
        "fsver": "4.0",
        "log_sec": 512,
        "mountpoint": "/run/archiso/airootfs",
        "mountpoints": [
        "name": "loop0",
        "partn": null,
        "parttype": null,
        "partuuid": null,
        "path": "/dev/loop0",
        "pkname": null,
        "pttype": null,
        "ptuuid": null,
        "rota": false,
        "size": "788 MiB",
        "tran": null,
        "type": "loop",
        "uuid": null
        "children": [
                "children": [],
                "fsavail": null,
                "fsroots": [],
                "fstype": null,
                "fsuse_percentage": null,
                "fsver": null,
                "log_sec": 512,
                "mountpoint": null,
                "mountpoints": [],
                "name": "sda1",
                "partn": null,
                "parttype": null,
                "partuuid": null,
                "path": "/dev/sda1",
                "pkname": "sda",
                "pttype": null,
                "ptuuid": null,
                "rota": true,
                "size": "100 MiB",
                "tran": null,
                "type": "part",
                "uuid": null
                "children": [],
                "fsavail": null,
                "fsroots": [],
                "fstype": null,
                "fsuse_percentage": null,
                "fsver": null,
                "log_sec": 512,
                "mountpoint": null,
                "mountpoints": [],
                "name": "sda2",
                "partn": null,
                "parttype": null,
                "partuuid": null,
                "path": "/dev/sda2",
                "pkname": "sda",
                "pttype": null,
                "ptuuid": null,
                "rota": true,
                "size": "92442 MiB",
                "tran": null,
                "type": "part",
                "uuid": null
                "children": [],
                "fsavail": null,
                "fsroots": [],
                "fstype": null,
                "fsuse_percentage": null,
                "fsver": null,
                "log_sec": 512,
                "mountpoint": null,
                "mountpoints": [],
                "name": "sda3",
                "partn": 3,
                "parttype": "0xf",
                "partuuid": "788b7730-03",
                "path": "/dev/sda3",
                "pkname": "sda",
                "pttype": "dos",
                "ptuuid": "ffffffff",
                "rota": true,
                "size": "0 MiB",
                "tran": null,
                "type": "part",
                "uuid": null
                "children": [],
                "fsavail": null,
                "fsroots": [],
                "fstype": null,
                "fsuse_percentage": null,
                "fsver": null,
                "log_sec": 512,
                "mountpoint": null,
                "mountpoints": [],
                "name": "sda5",
                "partn": null,
                "parttype": null,
                "partuuid": null,
                "path": "/dev/sda5",
                "pkname": "sda",
                "pttype": null,
                "ptuuid": null,
                "rota": true,
                "size": "55594 MiB",
                "tran": null,
                "type": "part",
                "uuid": null
                "children": [],
                "fsavail": null,
                "fsroots": [],
                "fstype": null,
                "fsuse_percentage": null,
                "fsver": null,
                "log_sec": 512,
                "mountpoint": null,
                "mountpoints": [],
                "name": "sda6",
                "partn": null,
                "parttype": null,
                "partuuid": null,
                "path": "/dev/sda6",
                "pkname": "sda",
                "pttype": null,
                "ptuuid": null,
                "rota": true,
                "size": "38678 MiB",
                "tran": null,
                "type": "part",
                "uuid": null
                "children": [],
                "fsavail": null,
                "fsroots": [],
                "fstype": null,
                "fsuse_percentage": null,
                "fsver": null,
                "log_sec": 512,
                "mountpoint": null,
                "mountpoints": [],
                "name": "sda7",
                "partn": null,
                "parttype": null,
                "partuuid": null,
                "path": "/dev/sda7",
                "pkname": "sda",
                "pttype": null,
                "ptuuid": null,
                "rota": true,
                "size": "45455 MiB",
                "tran": null,
                "type": "part",
                "uuid": null
                "children": [],
                "fsavail": null,
                "fsroots": [],
                "fstype": null,
                "fsuse_percentage": null,
                "fsver": null,
                "log_sec": 512,
                "mountpoint": null,
                "mountpoints": [],
                "name": "sda8",
                "partn": null,
                "parttype": null,
                "partuuid": null,
                "path": "/dev/sda8",
                "pkname": "sda",
                "pttype": null,
                "ptuuid": null,
                "rota": true,
                "size": "6199 MiB",
                "tran": null,
                "type": "part",
                "uuid": null
        "fsavail": null,
        "fsroots": [],
        "fstype": null,
        "fsuse_percentage": null,
        "fsver": null,
        "log_sec": 512,
        "mountpoint": null,
        "mountpoints": [],
        "name": "sda",
        "partn": null,
        "parttype": null,
        "partuuid": null,
        "path": "/dev/sda",
        "pkname": null,
        "pttype": "dos",
        "ptuuid": "788b7730",
        "rota": true,
        "size": "238475 MiB",
        "tran": "sata",
        "type": "disk",
        "uuid": null
        "children": [
                "children": [],
                "fsavail": null,
                "fsroots": [],
                "fstype": "iso9660",
                "fsuse_percentage": null,
                "fsver": "Joliet Extension",
                "log_sec": 512,
                "mountpoint": null,
                "mountpoints": [],
                "name": "sdb1",
                "partn": 1,
                "parttype": "0x0",
                "partuuid": "e3fe56f2-01",
                "path": "/dev/sdb1",
                "pkname": "sdb",
                "pttype": "dos",
                "ptuuid": "e3fe56f2",
                "rota": true,
                "size": "939 MiB",
                "tran": null,
                "type": "part",
                "uuid": "2024-04-01-17-57-21-00"
                "children": [],
                "fsavail": null,
                "fsroots": [],
                "fstype": "vfat",
                "fsuse_percentage": null,
                "fsver": "FAT16",
                "log_sec": 512,
                "mountpoint": null,
                "mountpoints": [],
                "name": "sdb2",
                "partn": 2,
                "parttype": "0xef",
                "partuuid": "e3fe56f2-02",
                "path": "/dev/sdb2",
                "pkname": "sdb",
                "pttype": "dos",
                "ptuuid": "e3fe56f2",
                "rota": true,
                "size": "15 MiB",
                "tran": null,
                "type": "part",
                "uuid": "5B0E-F324"
        "fsavail": null,
        "fsroots": [],
        "fstype": "iso9660",
        "fsuse_percentage": null,
        "fsver": "Joliet Extension",
        "log_sec": 512,
        "mountpoint": null,
        "mountpoints": [],
        "name": "sdb",
        "partn": null,
        "parttype": null,
        "partuuid": null,
        "path": "/dev/sdb",
        "pkname": null,
        "pttype": "dos",
        "ptuuid": "e3fe56f2",
        "rota": true,
        "size": "14800 MiB",
        "tran": "usb",
        "type": "disk",
        "uuid": "2024-04-01-17-57-21-00"
        "children": [],
        "fsavail": null,
        "fsroots": [],
        "fstype": null,
        "fsuse_percentage": null,
        "fsver": null,
        "log_sec": 512,
        "mountpoint": null,
        "mountpoints": [],
        "name": "sr0",
        "partn": null,
        "parttype": null,
        "partuuid": null,
        "path": "/dev/sr0",
        "pkname": null,
        "pttype": null,
        "ptuuid": null,
        "rota": true,
        "size": "1023 MiB",
        "tran": "sata",
        "type": "rom",
        "uuid": null
Checking version...
svartkanin commented 2 months ago

I don't think this should cause any interruption for the installation process but is merely information being logged

medmedin2014 commented 2 months ago

@Torxed @svartkanin

I decided to use archinstall even with those messages, so I selected my ext4 partition as target, but I ended erasing my whole Windows10 installation.

I tried recovering it for two days without success. Now I should reinstall and activate it from scratch, then redownload all my apps and reinstall them, and some apps' installers and licenses are no longer available.

This is truly sad, such dangerous tool coming from a reputable distro like Archlinux.

Why not add Calamares installer to the ISO and make it easy and safe to install Archlinux like how Manjaro and EndeavourOS do it?

svartkanin commented 2 months ago

If you share the installation log then we can investigate what went wrong. Just by selecting manual partitioning the existing partitions will not be erased.

medmedin2014 commented 2 months ago

@svartkanin I reinstalled Manjaro on that partition, and tried to fix the grub, Windows entry is shown in grub but selecting it fails to boot it, only Manjaro succeed to boot.

Can I retrieve the previous archinstall log even if it was replaced by Manjaro?

svartkanin commented 2 months ago

In that case you wouldn't be able to retrieve anymore. Do you remember what settings you had in the partitioning menu?

medmedin2014 commented 2 months ago

I have BIOS/MBR based hard drive, so I don't have any FAT32 EFI partition, what I have is 100MB NTFS for something related to Windows10 boot.

During installation and in manual partitioning, I selected my ext4 partition /dev/sda7 as target both for root / and /boot/.

After watching some videos, I think I did the mistake by not creating a new FAT32 EFI partition, even if my drive is BIOS/MBR based, then mount it to /mnt/boot/ and mount my ext4 partition in /mnt/.

But how can Arch based and Ubuntu based distros be installed on that partition without any EFI partition? I simply select in Calamares boot loader to be installed on root disk /dev/sda.