archlinux / asp

Arch Build Source Management Tool
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fatal: 'community/packages/cowfortune?[m' is not a valid branch name. #22

Closed shibumi closed 6 years ago

shibumi commented 6 years ago

There seems to be a bug with the branch names:

$ asp update
==> updating remote 'packages'
remote: Counting objects: 27, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (20/20), done.
remote: Total 27 (delta 4), reused 17 (delta 1)
Unpacking objects: 100% (27/27), done.
From git://
 * branch            packages/gcc    -> FETCH_HEAD
 * branch            packages/mutt   -> FETCH_HEAD
 * branch            packages/quagga -> FETCH_HEAD
   1426092..4e7639e  packages/gcc    -> packages/packages/gcc
   6c4f5b8..21f5bf7  packages/mutt   -> packages/packages/mutt
   1cdcf4b..b2e3107  packages/quagga -> packages/packages/quagga
==> updating remote 'community'
remote: Counting objects: 104, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (75/75), done.
remote: Total 104 (delta 48), reused 64 (delta 18)
Receiving objects: 100% (104/104), 44.71 KiB | 8.94 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (48/48), completed with 3 local objects.
From git://
 * branch            packages/cowfortune     -> FETCH_HEAD
 * branch            packages/linux-hardened -> FETCH_HEAD
 * branch            packages/nrpe           -> FETCH_HEAD
 * branch            packages/python-magic   -> FETCH_HEAD
   b403d78..ebfb078  packages/linux-hardened -> community/packages/linux-hardened
   f4a03ef..4be6dba  packages/nrpe           -> community/packages/nrpe
fatal: 'community/packages/cowfortune?[m' is not a valid branch name.
fatal: 'community/packages/linux-hardened?[m' is not a valid branch name.
fatal: 'community/packages/nrpe?[m' is not a valid branch name.
fatal: 'community/packages/python-magic?[m' is not a valid branch name.
fatal: 'packages/packages/gcc?[m' is not a valid branch name.
fatal: 'packages/packages/mutt?[m' is not a valid branch name.
fatal: 'packages/packages/quagga?[m' is not a valid branch name.
falconindy commented 6 years ago

Works for me. Looks like you somehow have color codes in your branch names. In addition, all failing branches are elsewhere valid branches that you already have tracked.

shibumi commented 6 years ago

mhhh funny. Where does these color codes come from?

falconindy commented 6 years ago

git maybe? I have no idea

shibumi commented 6 years ago

I have set color.branch = always in my gitconfig. Thats possibly the reason for this behaviour. Shouldn't asp filter the color codes? Does this have any impact on asp?

falconindy commented 6 years ago

Disable it and find out? Perhaps I should override that in asp's git config

shibumi commented 6 years ago

without my gitconfig I get the following output:

==> updating remote 'packages'
From git://
 * branch            packages/gcc -> FETCH_HEAD
 * branch            packages/mutt -> FETCH_HEAD
 * branch            packages/quagga -> FETCH_HEAD
==> updating remote 'community'
From git://
 * branch            packages/cowfortune -> FETCH_HEAD
 * branch            packages/dolphin-emu -> FETCH_HEAD
 * branch            packages/linux-hardened -> FETCH_HEAD
 * branch            packages/mbedtls -> FETCH_HEAD
 * branch            packages/nrpe -> FETCH_HEAD
 * branch            packages/python-magic -> FETCH_HEAD

So it's definitly my .gitconfig. Overwriting it in your asp git config is a good idea :)