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Rebuild package chromium-dev with vaapi patch? if possible =)) (Included: a rough sample of a new PKGBUILD) #283

Closed kj-sh604 closed 7 years ago

kj-sh604 commented 7 years ago


Again, thank you for maintaining this really awesome repo. Really helps me alot as a web-developer.

Chromium-dev in the AUR used to be compiled with the VAAPI patch; however; ever since the 55.0.XXXX.Y-Z release the patch is disabled by default as indicated by the maintainer, sl1pkn07

"Now pushed the option for enable the vaapi patch (disabled by default, to enable, you need set 1 the option _patch_vaapi in the PKGBUILD)"

I believe that's in line 17

The VAAPI patch is something, I believe, will benefit the people downloading chromium-dev from this repo, including me of course

New PKGBUILD should look something like this... Hope it compiles =))

# Maintainer: Gustavo Alvarez <>
# Contributor: Mikhail Vorozhtsov <>
# Contributor: Nagisa <>
# Contributor: Misc <>
# Contributor: Jeagoss <>
# Contributor: Saikrishna Arcot <> (Author of enable_vaapi_on_linux.diff)

## -- Build options -- ##

_use_clang=1           # Use clang compiler (downloaded binaries from google). Results in faster build and smaller chromium.
_use_ccache=0          # Use ccache when build.
_use_pax=0             # Set 1 to change PaX permisions in executables NOTE: only use if use PaX environment.
_use_gtk3=1            # If set 1, then build with GTK3 support, if set 0, then build with GTK2.
_debug_mode=0          # Build in debug mode.
_patch_vaapi=1         # Apply the vaapi patch by Saikrishna Arcot.

## -- Package and components information -- ##
pkgdesc="The open-source project behind Google Chrome (Dev Channel)"
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
#          'libsrtp'
#          'opus'
#          'protobuf'
#          'libevent'
optdepends=('pepper-flash: PPAPI Flash Player'
            'chromium-widevine-dev: Widevine plugin (eg: Netflix) (Dev Channel)'
            'kdebase-kdialog: Needed for file dialogs in KDE4/KF5'
            'kdialog-git: Needed for file dialogs in KF5'
            'kwalletmanager: Needed for storing passwords in KWallet'
            'libexif: Need for read EXIF metadata'
            'ttf-font: For some typography'
source=( #"${pkgver}.tar.xz"
        # Patch form Gentoo
        # Misc Patches
        # Patch from crbug (chromium bugtracker)
sha256sums=( #"$(curl -sL | grep sha256 | cut -d ' ' -f3)"
            "$(curl -sL${pkgver}.tar.xz.hashes | grep sha256 | cut -d ' ' -f3)"
            # Patch form Gentoo
            # Misc Patches
            # Patch from crbug (chromium bugtracker)

## -- Don't touch anything below this line -- ##

# Build Debug mode?.
if [ "${_debug_mode}" = "1" ]; then
elif [ "${_debug_mode}" = "0" ]; then

# Google API keys (see
# NOTE: These are for Arch Linux use ONLY. For your own distribution, please
# get your own set of keys. Feel free to contact for
# more information.

# Build NaCL?. disabled if detect 32bit system
if [ "${CARCH}" = "i686" ]; then
elif [ "${CARCH}" = "x86_64" ]; then

# If use PaX environment.
if [ "${_use_pax}" = "1" ]; then

# Build with GTK3?.
if [ "${_use_gtk3}" = "1" ]; then
  optdepends+=('libappindicator-gtk3: Needed for show systray icon in the panel in plasma-next (KF5)')
elif [ "${_use_gtk3}" = "0" ]; then
  optdepends+=('libappindicator-gtk2: Needed for show systray icon in the panel in plasma-next (KF5)')

# Need you use ccache?.
if [ "${_use_ccache}" = "1" ]; then
  export CCACHE_CPP2=yes
  export CCACHE_SLOPPINESS=time_macros

# Are you use gnome-keyring/gnome?.
if [ -e /usr/lib/security/ ]; then

# Are you use Pulseaudio?.
if [ -e /usr/lib/pulseaudio/ ]; then

# List of third-party components needed for build chromium. The rest is remove by remove_bundled_libraries srcipt in prepare().

# Set build flags.


# Set the bundled/external components.
# TODO: need ported to GN as GYP doing before. see status page:
# hunspell
# libusb
# opus
# sqlite
# ssl
# libsrtp
# protobuf

#              'libevent' # Get segfaults and other problems

# Conditionals.
if [ "${_debug_mode}" = "1" ]; then

if [ "${_build_nacl}" = "1" ]; then
elif [ "${_build_nacl}" = "0" ]; then


prepare() {

  # Use custom toolchain.

  # Set Python2 path.
  mkdir -p python-path
  ln -s /usr/bin/python2 "${srcdir}/python-path/python"
  export PATH="${srcdir}/python-path:$PATH"

  cd "chromium-${pkgver}"

  # Fix to save configuration in ~/.config/chromium-dev.
  sed -e 's|filename = "chromium-browser"|filename = "chromium-dev"|' \
      -e 's|confdir = "chromium"|confdir = "chromium-dev"|' \
      -i chrome/
  sed -e 's|config_dir.Append("chromium")|config_dir.Append("chromium-dev")|' \
      -i chrome/common/

  msg2 "Patching the sources"
  # Patch sources from Gentoo.
  patch -p1 -i "${srcdir}/chromium-system-ffmpeg-r4.patch"
  patch -p1 -i "${srcdir}/chromium-system-jinja-r14.patch"
  patch -p1 -i "${srcdir}/chromium-system-zlib-r1.patch"
  patch -p1 -i "${srcdir}/chromium-gn-r7.patch"

  # Misc Patches:
  if [ "${_patch_vaapi}" = "1" ]; then
    (cd "${srcdir}"; bsdtar -xf "chromium-browser_55.0.2868.3-0ubuntu1~ppa2~16.10.1.debian.tar.xz" debian/patches/enable_vaapi_on_linux.diff; mv debian/patches/enable_vaapi_on_linux.diff .; rm -fr debian)
    patch -p1 -i "${srcdir}/enable_vaapi_on_linux.diff"
  elif [ "${_patch_vaapi}" = "0" ]; then
    # Fix paths.
    sed -e 's|/usr/lib/|/usr/lib32/|g' \
        -e 's|/usr/lib64/|/usr/lib/|g' \
        -i content/common/sandbox_linux/
  patch -p1 -i "${srcdir}/minizip.patch"
  patch -p1 -i "${srcdir}/unset-madv_free.patch"

  # Patch from crbug (chromium bugtracker).
  patch -p0 -i "${srcdir}/chromium-widevine-r1.patch"
  sed 's|@WIDEVINE_VERSION@|The Cake Is a Lie|g' -i "third_party/widevine/cdm/stub/widevine_cdm_version.h"

  # Fix libpng errors.
  msg2 "Attempt for fix libpng errors"
  for _path in 'chrome/app/theme' 'chrome/renderer' 'ui'; do
    pushd "${_path}" &> /dev/null
    export IFS=$'\n'
    for i in $(find . -name '*.png' -type f); do
      mogrify "${i}" &> /dev/null
    export IFS=' '
    popd &> /dev/null

  # Make it possible to remove third_party/adobe.
  echo > "${srcdir}/flapper_version.h"

  # Remove most bundled libraries. Some are still needed.
  msg2 "Removing unnecessary components to save space"
  python2 build/linux/unbundle/ ${_keeplibs[@]} --do-remove
  rm -fr native_client/toolchain
  rm -fr build/linux/debian*

  msg2 "Make sure use Python2"
  find . -name '*.py' -exec sed -r 's|/usr/bin/python$|&2|g' -i {} +
  find . -name '*.py' -exec sed -r 's|/usr/bin/env python$|&2|g' -i {} +

  touch chrome/test/data/webui/i18n_process_css_test.html

  # Changing bundle libraries to system ones.
  python2 build/linux/unbundle/ --system-libraries ${_use_system[@]}

  # update libaddressinput strings.
  python2 third_party/libaddressinput/chromium/tools/

  # Use the file at run time instead of effectively compiling it in.
  sed 's|//third_party/usb_ids/usb.ids|/usr/share/hwdata/usb.ids|g' -i device/usb/

  if [ "${_build_nacl}" = "1" ]; then
    msg2 "Setup NaCl/PNaCl SDK: Download and install NaCl/PNaCl toolchains"
    python2 build/ --packages nacl_x86_newlib,pnacl_newlib,pnacl_translator sync --extract
    # Download clang from google. need for build NaCl. also is used by build the project in x86_64 systems when use clang
    python2 tools/clang/scripts/

  # Setup compilers.
  # Use system/bundled Clang? or GCC?.
  if [ "${_use_clang}" = "0" ]; then
    export CC="${_ccache} gcc -Wall"
    export CXX="${_ccache} g++ -Wall"
  elif [ "${_use_clang}" = "1" ]; then
    if [ "${CARCH}" = 'i686' ]; then
      msg2 "Build with (bundled) clang is not possible in 32bit systems. then, Use system GCC"
      export CC="${_ccache} gcc -Wall"
      export CXX="${_ccache} g++ -Wall"
    elif [ "${CARCH}" = 'x86_64' ]; then
      msg2 "Setup for use clang"
      export CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS} -Wno-unknown-warning-option"
      export CC="${_ccache} ${_clang_path}/clang -Qunused-arguments"
      export CXX="${_ccache} ${_clang_path}/clang++ -Qunused-arguments"

build() {

  msg2 "Build the Launcher"
  make -C "chromium-launcher-${_launcher_ver}" CHROMIUM_SUFFIX="-dev" PREFIX=/usr ${_launcher_gtk}

  cd "chromium-${pkgver}"

  msg2 "Starting building Chromium..."
  # Configure the builder.
  python2 tools/gn/bootstrap/ -v --gn-gen-args "${_flags[*]} ${_debug_flag}"
  out/Release/gn gen out/Release -v --args="${_flags[*]} ${_debug_flag}" --script-executable=/usr/bin/python2

  # Build mksnapshot and pax-mark it.
  if [ "${_use_pax}" = "1" ]; then
    ninja -C out/Release -v mksnapshot
    paxctl -cm out/Release/mksnapshot

  # Build all with ninja.
  LC_ALL=C ninja -C out/Release -v pdf chrome chrome_sandbox chromedriver widevinecdmadapter clearkeycdm

  # Pax-mark again.
  if [ "${_use_pax}" = "1" ]; then
    paxctl -cm out/Release/chrome

package() {
  # Install launcher.
  make -C "chromium-launcher-${_launcher_ver}" CHROMIUM_SUFFIX="-dev" PREFIX=/usr DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install-strip
  install -Dm644 "chromium-launcher-${_launcher_ver}/LICENSE" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/chromium-dev/LICENSE.launcher"

  pushd "chromium-${pkgver}/out/Release" &> /dev/null

  if [ "${_debug_mode}" = "1" ]; then
    # Build with debug needs a tons of space. remove this save that space, but break the rebuild process.
    rm -fr "chromium-launcher-${_launcher_ver}/third_party"

  # Install binaries.
  install -Dm755 chrome "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/chromium-dev/chromium-dev"
  install -Dm644 chrome.1 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man1/chromium-dev.1"
  install -Dm4755 chrome_sandbox "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/chromium-dev/chrome-sandbox"
  install -Dm755 chromedriver "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/chromium-dev/chromedriver"
  ln -s /usr/lib/chromium-dev/chromedriver "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/chromedriver-dev"

  # Install libs.
  for i in libwidevinecdmadapter libclearkeycdm; do
    install -Dm755 "${i}.so" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/chromium-dev/${i}.so"
  install -Dm644 natives_blob.bin "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/chromium-dev/natives_blob.bin"
  install -Dm644 snapshot_blob.bin "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/chromium-dev/snapshot_blob.bin"

  # Install Resources.
  for i in "${_resources[@]}"; do
    install -Dm644 "${i}.pak" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/chromium-dev/${i}.pak"

  # Install locales.
  find locales -type f -name "*.pak" -exec install -Dm644 '{}' "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/chromium-dev/{}" \;
  find resources -type f -name "*" -exec install -Dm644 '{}' "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/chromium-dev/{}" \;
  (cd "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/chromium-dev"; ln -s locales remote_locales)

  # Install icons.
  for _size in 16 22 24 32 48 128 256; do
    case "${_size}" in
      16|32) _branding="${srcdir}/chromium-${pkgver}/chrome/app/theme/default_100_percent/chromium" ;;
      *) _branding="${srcdir}/chromium-${pkgver}/chrome/app/theme/chromium" ;;
    install -Dm644 "${_branding}/product_logo_${_size}.png" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${_size}x${_size}/apps/chromium-dev.png"

  # Install NaCL stuff if is detected.
  if [ "${_build_nacl}" = "1" ]; then
    install -Dm755 nacl_helper "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/chromium-dev/nacl_helper"
    install -Dm755 nacl_helper_bootstrap "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/chromium-dev/nacl_helper_bootstrap"
    install -Dm755 nacl_helper_nonsfi "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/chromium-dev/nacl_helper_nonsfi"
    install -Dm755 "nacl_irt_x86_64.nexe" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/chromium-dev/nacl_irt_x86_64.nexe"
    install -Dm644 icudtl.dat "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/chromium-dev/icudtl.dat"

  popd &> /dev/null

  # Install some external files.
  install -Dm644 "chromium-${pkgver}/chrome/installer/linux/common/desktop.template" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/chromium-dev.desktop"
  sed -e 's|@@MENUNAME@@|Chromium-dev|g' \
      -e 's|@@USR_BIN_SYMLINK_NAME@@|chromium-dev|g' \
      -e 's|@@PACKAGE@@|chromium-dev|g' \
      -i "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/chromium-dev.desktop"
  install -Dm644 chromium-dev.svg "${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/chromium-dev.svg"
  install -Dm644 "chromium-${pkgver}/LICENSE" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/chromium-dev/LICENSE"

  if [ "${_debug_mode}" = "0" ]; then
    # Manually strip binaries so that 'nacl_irt_*.nexe' is left intact.
    if [ "${_build_nacl}" = "1" ]; then
      strip $STRIP_BINARIES "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/chromium-dev/"nacl_helper{,_bootstrap,_nonsfi}
    strip $STRIP_BINARIES "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/chromium-dev/"{chromium-dev,chrome-sandbox,chromedriver}
    strip $STRIP_SHARED "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/chromium-dev/"lib{widevinecdmadapter,clearkeycdm}.so
fqj1994 commented 7 years ago

I'll try set it to 1 in evening (Central European Summer Time).

kj-sh604 commented 7 years ago

nice, it compiles on my system.. so i think enabling the vaapi patch won't cause it to not build anymore... Thanks =)) expecting to get chromium-dev with the vaapi patch from this repo again =))

fqj1994 commented 7 years ago

Returned home late. Probably I have to wait until Tuesday.

2016/10/02 午後11:56 "Aedriel Javier"

nice, it compiles on my system.. so i think enabling the vaapi patch won't cause it to not build anymore... Thanks =)) expecting to get chromium-dev with the vaapi patch from this repo again =))

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axfelix commented 7 years ago

Thanks for providing the patch, this package has been a bit of a bear lately. Looking forward to seeing if the next build has fixed vaapi.

fqj1994 commented 7 years ago

I updated this manually, and it's building now. I'll upload it to archlinuxcn/ tomorrow (Europe Central Time) if the build succeded. And updated to code to replace _vaapi to 1 by default. but before aur fixes the problem the file name in noextract= (L115), the preprare (L397) function and the downloaded url (L90) are not consistent, the automatic build will fail for further updates.

sl1pkn07 commented 7 years ago

The problem is not about build or not build, the problem is, in my system, if I apply the pacth, i get segfault in the vaapi part and lost the HW acceleration (i'm nvidia user).

without patch, the HW acceleration working (again, for me) with zero issues.

for this, the apply or not the patch, need active by the user if set the variable _patch_vaapi (L17 as said @BigEars431) to 1

no need edit nothing about the patch. except when @saiarcot895 release the new version of their patch

fqj1994 commented 7 years ago

I don't have nvidia gpu to test this. I'll start to provide two binary builds to gain more feedback from the repo users since tomorrow. @sl1pkn07 can you update your PKGBUILD to make the file name in L90, L115, and L397 consistent? Or setting _patch_vaapi=1 will fail the makepkg due to file not found.

sl1pkn07 commented 7 years ago


axfelix commented 7 years ago

The new builds that were pushed today still aren't working for me to enable h264 again, but there's been some activity creating a new patch:

fqj1994 commented 7 years ago

chromium-dev doesn't include the vaapi patch for now.

It looks either the build or the script failed for chromium-dev-vaapi

On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 1:15 AM, axfelix wrote:

The new builds that were pushed today still aren't working for me to enable h264 again, but there's been some activity creating a new patch: saiarcot895/chromium-ubuntu-build#2

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fqj1994 commented 7 years ago

I wrote something wrong for the sed syntax. Just fixed, hope it works. If yes, chromium-dev-vaapi will be pushed in less than 1 hour.

On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 1:25 AM, Qijiang Fan wrote:

chromium-dev doesn't include the vaapi patch for now.

It looks either the build or the script failed for chromium-dev-vaapi

On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 1:15 AM, axfelix wrote:

The new builds that were pushed today still aren't working for me to enable h264 again, but there's been some activity creating a new patch: saiarcot895/chromium-ubuntu-build#2

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axfelix commented 7 years ago

Tested working on Intel!!