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2024 软件包大扫除 / package cleanup #3849

Closed lilydjwg closed 2 days ago

lilydjwg commented 1 month ago

问题类型 / Type of issues

这是继 #3181 之后的又一次大扫除。请各位按列表检查自己名下的包,如果有意继续维护就勾选掉,如果不想管了、不记得了、好像没什么用了之类的,就留在那里。一个月之后还没有被勾选的包,我会发起 orphaning 流程。记得可以直接编辑留言,而不必用鼠标逐个点击。

包名后边的数字,「⬇️」后是 及 TUNA 镜像最近三个月的下载次数,「📊」和「🔥」分别是来自 pkgstats 的最近三个月用户计数和受欢迎度,用于参考。注意:对于拆分包,仅统计了与 pkgbase 同名的 pkgname,并且无法确定包是否来源于本仓库。「❌」是至今为止构建失败的次数和天数。



This is another cleanup after #3181. Please check your packages according to the list below. If you want to continue maintaining the package, check it; if you no longer want to, or does not remember, or feel it useless, leave it. I'll open orphaning issues for unchecked packages after a month. Remember that you can edit the comment instead of clicking each item with mouse.

Of the numbers after each package name, the one after "⬇️" is the download count in recent three months from and the TUNA mirror, the ones after "📊" and "🔥" are respectively the user count and popularity for recent three months from pkgstats. Note that for split packages, only pkgnames that are the same as their pkgbases are counted; also the packages may or may not be installed from our repo. "❌" indicates the count of failed builds and days since last successful build.

For outside collarators, please leave a comment of the same format to keep your packages (text inside parentheses can be omitted).

For packages that have human commits in the last month, they are always kept.

lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago


lilydjwg commented 1 month ago
