Open VOID001 opened 5 years ago
我的想法是将这个功能集成到 pre-commit 内,在 pre-commit 的时候就对依赖进行静态检查,能够解决开发者因失误遗漏掉不在官方源的依赖包
I will try to write a static package dependency check tool and test if first
現在 pre-commit 需要能脫離 Arch 環境在 Travis CI 上獨立運行。目前檢查官方源包衝突的方法是在編譯機上導出一個 json 在 Travis CI 上下載,感覺這裏可以加上包依賴關係然後做檢查。
我看了下 pre-commit 如果想要使用这里的 API 完成依赖检查,需要用到 extract_srcinfo
, 目前看来 extract_srcinfo
是没有对 带有 version 的 dependency 进行处理的,而且拿到的是一个 raw string, 不适合直接使用,可能考虑增加一个 load_pkg_from_srcinfo 函数,将 srcinfo parse 为结构化的数据,判断依赖的主要逻辑已经写好.目前缺少
standalone 版本: 目前因为需要 load 每一个 pkg 的 依赖 lilaclib, 对于 standalone 版本可以通过对 里的 import 处理后再 load 的方式去掉依赖,对于 integrated 的版本,需要确认是否有 parse 的 API
👍 👍 👍 👍
判断 .so 文件依赖
+1 +1 +1 +1
判断 .so 文件依赖
根据 PKGBUILD(5) If the dependency name appears to be a library (ends with .so), makepkg will try to find a binary that depends on the library in the built package and append the needed by the binary. Appending the version yourself disables automatic detection.
另外,我忘记考虑 provides 的情况了, 感谢提醒 :smiley:
If the dependency name appears to be a library (ends with .so), makepkg will try to find a binary that depends on the library in the built package and append the needed by the binary. Appending the version yourself disables automatic detection.
原來還有這個機制。我看ffmpeg寫provides=( ...),以為.so
Keyword: find_libdepends() in /usr/bin/makepkg
目前处理了 provides, version 已经能够初步使用 一个问题是 @farseerfc pre-commit 有没有办法或者是否允许运行 pre_build hook? 按照目前的打包模式,有些包不存在 PKGBUILD 需要 pre_build 后才能 check, 还有的包 PKGBUILD out-of-date 需要 pre_build 后才能得到 latest PKGBUILD
这是目前运行出来的一个全量的 package dep check 结果
fcitx5-chinese-addons-git: Cause an exception: join() argument must be str or bytes, not 'tuple'
gnome-perl: Cause an exception: join() argument must be str or bytes, not 'tuple'
kcm-fcitx5-git: Cause an exception: join() argument must be str or bytes, not 'tuple'
lib32-ffmpeg: Failed dependency check because the following dependency not satisfied: ['lib32-gsm', 'lib32-lame', 'lib32-libass', 'lib32-libbluray', 'lib32-opencore-amr', 'lib32-openjpeg', 'lib32-openjpeg2', 'lib32-schroedinger', 'lib32-xvidcore', 'lib32-libx264', 'hardening-wrapper']
libbonoboui: Cause an exception: join() argument must be str or bytes, not 'tuple'
libgnomeui: Cause an exception: join() argument must be str or bytes, not 'tuple'
libui: Failed dependency check because the following dependency not satisfied: ['gtk3>100']
makehuman-hg: Failed dependency check because the following dependency not satisfied: ['python2-pyqt4']
mingw-w64-zlib: Failed dependency check because the following dependency not satisfied: ['mingw-w64-crt', 'mingw-w64-gcc']
octave-statistics: Failed dependency check because the following dependency not satisfied: ['octave-io>=1.0.18']
pushbullet-cli: Failed dependency check because the following dependency not satisfied: ['']
pypy-stm-hg: Cause an exception: join() argument must be str or bytes, not 'tuple'
qterminal-git: Failed dependency check because the following dependency not satisfied: ['lxqt-build-tools-git']
shutter: Cause an exception: join() argument must be str or bytes, not 'tuple'
wecase: Failed dependency check because the following dependency not satisfied: ['pyqt>=4']
zfs-dkms: Cause an exception: join() argument must be str or bytes, not 'dict'
关于 Exception: 是因为没有处理 split package 导致的可以忽略, 麻烦大家 check 下有没有误报
这是目前运行出来的一个全量的 package dep check 结果
fcitx5-chinese-addons-git: Cause an exception: join() argument must be str or bytes, not 'tuple' gnome-perl: Cause an exception: join() argument must be str or bytes, not 'tuple' kcm-fcitx5-git: Cause an exception: join() argument must be str or bytes, not 'tuple' lib32-ffmpeg: Failed dependency check because the following dependency not satisfied: ['lib32-gsm', 'lib32-lame', 'lib32-libass', 'lib32-libbluray', 'lib32-opencore-amr', 'lib32-openjpeg', 'lib32-openjpeg2', 'lib32-schroedinger', 'lib32-xvidcore', 'lib32-libx264', 'hardening-wrapper'] libbonoboui: Cause an exception: join() argument must be str or bytes, not 'tuple' libgnomeui: Cause an exception: join() argument must be str or bytes, not 'tuple' libui: Failed dependency check because the following dependency not satisfied: ['gtk3>100'] makehuman-hg: Failed dependency check because the following dependency not satisfied: ['python2-pyqt4'] mingw-w64-zlib: Failed dependency check because the following dependency not satisfied: ['mingw-w64-crt', 'mingw-w64-gcc'] octave-statistics: Failed dependency check because the following dependency not satisfied: ['octave-io>=1.0.18'] pushbullet-cli: Failed dependency check because the following dependency not satisfied: [''] pypy-stm-hg: Cause an exception: join() argument must be str or bytes, not 'tuple' qterminal-git: Failed dependency check because the following dependency not satisfied: ['lxqt-build-tools-git'] shutter: Cause an exception: join() argument must be str or bytes, not 'tuple' wecase: Failed dependency check because the following dependency not satisfied: ['pyqt>=4'] zfs-dkms: Cause an exception: join() argument must be str or bytes, not 'dict'
关于 Exception: 是因为没有处理 split package 导致的可以忽略, 麻烦大家 check 下有没有误报
lib32-ffmpeg: Failed dependency check because the following dependency not satisfied: ['lib32-gsm', 'lib32-lame', 'lib32-libass', 'lib32-libbluray', 'lib32-opencore-amr', 'lib32-openjpeg', 'lib32-openjpeg2', 'lib32-schroedinger', 'lib32-xvidcore', 'lib32-libx264', 'hardening-wrapper']
makehuman-hg: Failed dependency check because the following dependency not satisfied: ['python2-pyqt4']
mingw-w64-zlib: Failed dependency check because the following dependency not satisfied: ['mingw-w64-crt', 'mingw-w64-gcc']
octave-statistics: Failed dependency check because the following dependency not satisfied: ['octave-io>=1.0.18']
pushbullet-cli: Failed dependency check because the following dependency not satisfied: ['']
qterminal-git: Failed dependency check because the following dependency not satisfied: ['lxqt-build-tools-git']
wecase: Failed dependency check because the following dependency not satisfied: ['pyqt>=4']
去掉 tuple Exception 的版本
目前可处理 split pacakge 了, 我将 code cleanup 后贴个 gist 目前可以处理
关于如何移植到 travis CI 上 大概需要做两部分事情
之前在Ubuntu 16.04 compile過pacman,沒啥問題,想來把pyalpm弄上CI應該也不難( 移植开始 ww 现在需要考虑是要移植完整的 pacman 还是只移植 libalpm + pyalpm pyalpm & pycman 都扔到 CI 里了,不过目前看来 pre-commit 脚本还有点问题,以前是判断是否能够 import pycman 来决定是在 travis 机器上还是在本地,现在这样会出问题
travis-ci 不能用 docker 吗 ?(
我 port 了 pacman (libalpm) 到 debian, 并且做了一些必要的设置,目前可以使用 libalpm & pycman 了
Done #979
这个 overhead 过大,pre-commit 还是越快执行完毕越好
/poke # This is a reminder for this issue
Here's something interesting, which may help this work:
PS. jelly is a TU & Developer.
I tried a Docker-based approach. It works but runs for almost 3 minutes
What if you cache the docker image and reuse the same container everytime?
I tried caching it but the build time is not less :/
Well, it called too many times of bash....
Yep. On my machine, running pre-commit of master (e7cd6f30af49fe858b7b9b5b0e03283e3109ed3a) takes 79.37 seconds, and with static-dep-check (yan12125/repo@607402813d), pre-commit takes 111.48 seconds.
Another try with Docker on GitLab: Without a Ubuntu base image like builds on Travis CI, it's 10 seconds faster. I think it is the fatest possible container-based approach.
Update: I removed the testing GitLab repo.
With the recent removal of gconf, there are 20+ additional packages that fail the test [1]. There are other failures caused by removal of official packages (e.g., python2-xlib of acestream-engine). If this feature is going to be merged, a way is needed to filter dependency errors not caused by Arch Linux CN contributors.
I propose to run lilac upon git pushes:
问题类型 / Type of issues
针对某些包的较多依赖不在官方仓库,需要手动填写 lilac.yaml 指定 非官方依赖的情况,因为涉及人工依赖解析,有一定配置出错的风险,目前的 lilac 不支持在本地对依赖进行检查,需要等待开发机上打包作业运行时才能知道配置是否有问题. 而这个静态依赖检查我认为可以在 commit 提交之前检查完毕,因而提议增加提交前的静态依赖检查
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