archlinuxfr / yaourt

[unmaintained] A Pacman frontend with more features and AUR support
601 stars 98 forks source link

[Suggestion] Just press enter if search returns just one result #344

Closed simonszu closed 6 years ago

simonszu commented 6 years ago


i'd like to suggest the following feature:

If you do yaourt without -S, and therefore searching for a package, it is possible that this search returns just one result. In this case, you still have to enter "1"+Enter. I'd like to suggest a feature that in this case you just have to press Enter, since it is unambiguous what entry of the results you want to install, and you can still press Ctrl-C to quit yaourt without installing anything.

This is expecially comfortable when you set yaourt to automatically accept the security questions for each package, so an installation process is just "yaourt " followed by some and that's it.