Closed b09v closed 1 year ago
Could you clarify a bit what this change fixes?
Could you clarify a bit what this change fixes?
Now to use mass assignment I have to define protected $guarded = [];
If I want to use mass assignment and add some variale guardable like this protected $guarded = ['id', 'name']
, i can't do this because of the default function in eloquent protected function isGuardableColumn($key)
, that will check if the virtual column added exists as schema column in the database table.
By overriding this function to not check if the column exists in the schema, I can use mass assignment with guarded variable and new virtual columns.
Don't think this change makes much sense here.
This pull request allows you to continue using the guarded function of eloquent. Now to use virtualcolumn I always have to set
$guarded = [];
With this change, however, you can continue to use the protection function as you always have. We can find the default function invendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Concerns/GuardsAttributes.php
i changed it a bit to allow all columns to be guarded