archual / drupal_materialize_theme

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Getting Involved #1

Open cfbauer opened 8 years ago

cfbauer commented 8 years ago

Hi, I love Drupal and Material Design and would like to get involved. I don't have much experience contributing to open source projects like this, only internal projects, but I was working on a materialize theme for myself and thought it makes more sense to work together. Is there something I can help with?


archual commented 8 years ago

Hi, Chris! Very happy to see you here) I started to recreate Drupal Bootstrap 3 theme for Drupal 8, and I am adding OOP files now, like in Bootstrap theme. We have a lot of work with this theme, especially with Drupal form's elements styles and widgets. I will be happy with your help. You could clone my repo and try to install theme (but last time I added too much files from Bootstrap and it didn't work).

I created an issue on

In plans;

I work with this version of materialize framework:

But this version has some not finished elements (ex: DataPicker for time field).

cfbauer commented 8 years ago

Ok cool. Next time I have a free moment I'll setup a dev environment and give it a shot.

cfbauer commented 8 years ago

Hey, I'm getting some errors unfortunately I don't know how to fix. First:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method Drupal\materialize\Materialize::getThemeHooks() in /opt/lampp/htdocs/materialize/themes/drupal_materialize_theme/materialize.theme on line 92

I tried commenting out this on line 92 of materialize.theme:

function Materialize_theme() { return Materialize::getThemeHooks(); }

Then I got:

Fatal error: Class 'Drupal\materialize\Plugin\PreprocessManager' not found in /opt/lampp/htdocs/materialize/themes/drupal_materialize_theme/src/Materialize.php on line 269

I'm not seeing PreprocessManager in the /plugin directory it's looking for. I'm not sure what to do from here.

archual commented 8 years ago

Hi, Chris. I set two theme in my dev environment: Bootstrap 8.x-3.0-beta3 and materialized. I like how developers of Bootstrap theme recreated it in OOP style. I copy files from Bootstrap theme and then read the code and change it for materialize. Ex: I remove code for glyphicons and change function, which create glyphicons icons to create materialize icons, and made it simple. In last time I added many new files from Bootstrap theme and started to recreate them for our theme, I removed some code and changed a lot. But there are a lot of functions... We need to fix this, but I am short of time in this month. I added you like collaborator in project. Sorry, that I didn't this early. )

archual commented 7 years ago

Hi Chris. I fixed last errors. Now we have working theme. But should fix preprocess page, now it doesn't change variables for page template.

cfbauer commented 7 years ago

Hey Archual,

I had some time to take a look at everything, and I'm sorry to say I don't think I'll be able to be much help. There's a lot going on here I don't understand. I'll keep working on it though.

dieguit commented 7 years ago

Hi Archual! I have a project where I will use this as the base theme, I will create some PRs with generic changes if think you can use them, are you OK with that? You can add me as contributor if you want too, either will work

archual commented 7 years ago

Hi, Diego. Yes we need in contributors. I have no time for contributing in last time. I added you as collaborator.

dieguit commented 7 years ago

Sounds good, whenever you have a chance, please add me and also javieroc (a college at work). We will start working on this ASAP :) Thank you for your time.

javieroc commented 7 years ago

Hi Archual! I would like contributing with this project, I work with @dieguit. Can you add me as collaborator too?

archual commented 7 years ago

Hi, javieroc. I added you to collaborators. Thank you for your time. )