arco-design / arco-plugins

Webpack / Vite plugins for Arco Design
MIT License
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feat(unplugin): remove import modifier when module is external #68

Closed Justinidlerz closed 1 month ago

Justinidlerz commented 1 month ago

Types of changes

Background and context

Due to import modifier priority is higher than externals, the import path will be modified and lost context chain.

For example: Main app:

import {Provider} from '@arco-design/web';

const App = () => {
    return <Provider><SubApp /></Provider>

Sub app:

import {Table} from '@arco-design/web';

const App = () => {
    return <Table />


module.exports = {
    externals: {
        '@arco-design/web': 'window.externals["@arco-design/web"]'

There we want't modify the import {Table} from '@arco-design/web' to import Table from '@arco-design/web/es/Table'


Changelog(CN) Changelog(EN) Related issues
修复由于引用修改导致 external 失效问题 Fix external problems due to import modify


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