arconsis / measurements

Flutter plugin to measure on PDFs and Images.
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[Question] Draw room plan from scratch ? #31

Open play-dogs opened 4 years ago

play-dogs commented 4 years ago

Hi, Thank you for this great package. I was wondering if it is possible with your package to draw a room plan, or a house plan, but only the border, without any background image. Let's say that for example you want the user to draw his house's border in order to tell him how much square meters he has?

Thank you in advance,


c15yi commented 4 years ago

Hey Mike, thanks for your question. We currently don't support calculating the area of some shape, but that might come in the future. (Currently, I have little time since I am involved in other projects)

Generally, you could display a white background image and let the user draw on it. I guess you would have to get to the correct scale for the drawing, maybe the user could start with the first outside wall and then your application can ask him/her how long that wall should be. I think with that info you could calculate the correct scale factor and the user can then draw the other walls.

Hope that helps if you have further questions feel free to ask. 🙂


play-dogs commented 4 years ago

Hi, Thank you for your quick and complete answer. The idea of calculating the shape was an example and is not my current goal. I just would like to be able to design a room plan. So the solution with the white background could do it. Even without the scaling feature at the beginning. So I could do that with your package? I will try this weekend if I have time. Thank you again for your help :) Best, Michael

c15yi commented 4 years ago

It might somehow work, although it is probably not optimal for that.

I think you could have issues with:

Nevertheless, it would be great to hear from your experience with the package and if you have any suggestions feel free to open another issue for it. 🙂

Best regards, Christian