arcus / Arcus_Labs_Orientation

Orientation for new Arcus Scientific Labs users
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Proposing an additional section: From Arcus to article #28

Open rosemm opened 1 year ago

rosemm commented 1 year ago

I noticed a very reasonable question in the arcus forum about how to export/download figures created in Arcus so they can be included in publications and it made me realize we really don't have instructions available for what happens after you've run your analysis. The process is not at all straightforward, since Arcus users are prevented from downloading anything by default; without telling them how we want them to handle this, I'm afraid we'll end up with a lot of people coming up with workarounds (like screenshots) that circumvent the Arcus TOU. So I'm thinking we might want an additional section in the orientation document on sharing and publishing. I'm thinking something like the following topics:

chiluttim commented 1 year ago

Yes, it would be very useful, thank you @rosemm This is also an opportunity to remind the team that they should cite Arcus in publications: FYI @venutip-chop