arcusmaximus / VNTranslationTools

Tools for translating visual novels
MIT License
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Softpal / POINT.DAT / Found invalid data while decoding #122

Closed gozu4456 closed 1 year ago

gozu4456 commented 1 year ago

Receiving this error message from cmd, "POINT.DAT Found invalid data while decoding. ". I suppose this is because something is different. Could you look at it and perhaps offer some solutions? For information, the game is: DLsite Also, here is the script files, in case you need to study them

Cosetto commented 1 year ago

Read this

Cosetto commented 1 year ago

The command should be Extract: vntextpatch.exe extractlocal input/script.src script.xlsx or vntextpatch.exe extractlocal input/script.src script/script.json

Insert: vntextpatch.exe insertlocal input/script.src script.xlsx output/script.src or vntextpatch.exe insertlocal input/script.src script/script.json output/script.src

Output files only has script.src and text.dat

gozu4456 commented 1 year ago

Thanks, that information helped me. However, I did a text check: it's working; Did a choice check: it's not there in the script. The choice Text should be above the [blue selected text] as shown in the next picture, which is from another dumper tool only for extracting. image image the main Vntextpatch tool doesn't seem to have extracted them. Any solutions?

Cosetto commented 1 year ago

Seems like missing opcode or something image

arcusmaximus commented 1 year ago

Looks like this game uses a custom function for displaying choices, rather than the engine's built-in one. This is not something VNTextPatch can detect, so a generic solution isn't possible. Instead, I made a quick customization for this specific game.

gozu4456 commented 1 year ago

I see, thanks. The patch .dll seemed to have worked and successfully extract the remaining choices. Did all check and everything is OK, again, thanks and highly appreciate the effort.