arcusmaximus / VNTranslationTools

Tools for translating visual novels
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Help with Artemis Engine .iet extension script #137

Open dawnsqrl opened 1 year ago

dawnsqrl commented 1 year ago

I am working on translating a visual novel titled "MuNiCa~Cry of Pluto" (released 10 years ago, around 2012-2013). Links to all known official releases have long died, but there are archives preserved elsewhere.

Even though this is an Artemis Engine game, its resource structure and script format are rather exotic (as far as I can tell based on my research). It comes with a .pfs next to the main .exe; unpacking the .pfs file with GARbro gives the content on the right.


All scripts have .iet extension (none with .asb/.ast/.txt) and are located on the top level. All text strings to translate are embedded in the 5 highlighted scripts. Though this game can run with unpacked .pfs (which makes substituting strings very easy), it has Shift-JIS encoding limitations and unpacking breaks its default font.

I tried running VNTextPatch in both file and folder mode with both original and unpacked .pfs (also with --format=artemistxt, otherwise it won't run at all), but it never succeeded to extract the intended text strings from these scripts (all messages are long gibberish data, if any).

Am I doing anything wrong, or is it not possible to work with such an ancient game structure?

honpen_p1.iet and honpen_p2.iet for reference:

Thanks in advance!