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Doesn't play nice with zsh-autosuggestions #93

Open henrebotha opened 1 year ago

henrebotha commented 1 year ago

zsh-autosuggestions is a tool that "suggests" completions for what you type by printing them after the edit cursor in a different colour. The suggestion is accepted by e.g. pressing , which then prints the suggestion to the command line.

zsh-autosuggestions appears to manipulate $BUFFER directly to insert the suggestion.

Possibly related to #92.

ardagnir commented 1 year ago

This is a known issue that should be partially fixed in 1.3 (I think 1.3 works if you use tab instead of arrow). I’m hoping to have a more complete fix for this soon

henrebotha commented 1 year ago

I gave 1.3 a try, but it doesn't appear to be any different, even without loading my .vimrc. Not sure if there's maybe a setting in my .zshrc or something that may conflict.