ardagnir / pterosaur

All firefox text fields are vim.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
772 stars 30 forks source link

Works on OS X, but seriously lagging to the extent of not usable #49

Open x-ji opened 9 years ago

x-ji commented 9 years ago

It works on OS X with homebrew build, however it seems that inserting each character in FF takes about 1 second, making it not usable. Not sure if somebody knows the issue is, or would be able to come up with a fix to it, now that the project is no longer maintained by the original author.

lukeyyang commented 9 years ago

also, the significantly long wait between the first key stroke and the first appearance of characters.

aandrieiev commented 9 years ago

I noticed a lag in the text fields which are highly JS'ed (like Gmail compose window), while others (including this, where I'm writing this comment) work with almost immediate feedback.