ardaku / fon

Rust audio types, resampling, converting, and mixing library.
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Help on convert a stream from 48khz 32bit 1ch (from cpal) to 16khz 16bit 1ch #12

Open jBernavaPrah opened 6 months ago

jBernavaPrah commented 6 months ago


Thanks for your crate. I'm not so sure if this will resolve my headache, but I will try anyway :)

I have a stream of Vec that is generated by the microphone read by the cpal crate, which is a 48000hz 32bit mono channel and I need to convert it into a 16000 16bit mono channel Vec.

I tried to understand where and how to put the code from this crate but without success.

Could you help me to achieve the goal?

Let me know if you need anything else.

Thanks a lot! Ps: I'm still new to rust so if something is a little odd to you, it's sure my fault.

Here is my minimal example: This was taken by this example

///! Records a WAV file (roughly 3 seconds long) using the default input device and config.
//! The input data is recorded to "$CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR/recorded.wav".

use std::f32;
use cpal::traits::{DeviceTrait, HostTrait, StreamTrait};
use cpal::{ Sample};
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::BufWriter;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};

fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {

    let host = cpal::default_host();
    let device = host.default_input_device().unwrap();
    println!("Input device: {}",;

    let config = device
        .expect("Failed to get default input config");
    println!("Default input config: {:?}", config);

    // The WAV file we're recording to.
    const PATH: &str = concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/recorded.wav");

    let writer = hound::WavWriter::create(PATH, hound::WavSpec {
        channels: config.channels() as _,
        // here I put the specific sample rate to the one that I'm interested.
        sample_rate: 16000,
        // here I put the specific sample rate to the one that I'm interested.
        bits_per_sample: 16,
        sample_format: hound::SampleFormat::Int,
    let writer = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Some(writer)));

    // A flag to indicate that recording is in progress.
    println!("Begin recording...");

    // Run the input stream on a separate thread.
    let writer_2 = writer.clone();

    let err_fn = move |err| {
        eprintln!("an error occurred on stream: {}", err);

    let stream = match config.sample_format() {
        // here my hardware only supports f32
        cpal::SampleFormat::F32 => device.build_input_stream(
            move |data, _: &_| write_input_data(data, &writer_2),
        sample_format => {
            return Err(anyhow::Error::msg(format!(
                "Unsupported sample format '{sample_format}'"

    // Let recording go for roughly three seconds.
    println!("Recording {} complete!", PATH);

type WavWriterHandle = Arc<Mutex<Option<hound::WavWriter<BufWriter<File>>>>>;

fn write_input_data(input: &[f32], writer: &WavWriterHandle)


    if let Ok(mut guard) = writer.try_lock() {
        if let Some(writer) = guard.as_mut() {

            // todo: Where put the conversion?

            for &sample in input.iter() {
                let sample: f32 = f32::from_sample(sample);
AldaronLau commented 6 months ago

@jBernavaPrah thanks for opening an issue! If I understand right, you want to resample in realtime? I don't have an example for that, which I should probably fix.

Resampling after the fact for a 3 second audio in going to be simpler:

let writer: WavWriterHandle = todo!();
let audio: Vec<f32> = todo!();
let audio = Audio::<Ch32, 1>::with_f32_buffer(48_000, audio.as_slice());
let audio = Audio::<Ch16, 1>::with_audio(16_000, &audio);

for sample in audio.as_f32_slice().iter().cloned() {

For realtime conversion (something like this):

pub struct MyOutput {
    writer: WavWriterHandle,

impl fon::Sink<fon::chan::Ch16, 1> for MyOutput {
    fn sample_rate(&self) -> NonZeroU32 {

    fn len(&self) -> usize {
         // 3 seconds times sample rate
         3 * 16_000

    fn sink_with(&mut self, iter: &mut dyn Iterator<Item = fon::Frame<fon::chan::Ch16, 1>>) {
        for sample in iter {

fn write_input_data(
    input: &[f32],
    sink_to: &mut SinkTo<fon::chan::Ch16, fon::chan::Ch16, MyOutput, 1, 1>.
    stream: &mut fon::Stream<1>,
) {
    let audio = Audio::with_f32_buffer(48_000, input.to_vec());
    stream.pipe(audio, sink_to);

let sink: SinkTo<fon::chan::Ch16, fon::chan::Ch32, MyOutput, 1, 1> = fon::SinkTo::new(MyOutput { writer });

Sorry, I don't have time to test it right now, but should be a start at least. I'll let you know when I make a more complete example later.