This error, "Reading as 'System.Object' is not supported for fields having DataTypeName 'public.vector'", likely indicates that your database provider lacks built-in support for directly mapping the PostgreSQL 'vector' data type to a C# data structure. This error is occurring in the following code snippet:
public class Product
public Guid Id {get; set;}
public string? Name { get; set; }
public string? Description { get; set; }
[JsonIgnore] public Vector? Embedding { get; set; }
IReadRepository<Product> repository; // Assuming a repository pattern
var products = await repository.ListAsync(cancellationToken); // Error likely occurs here
This error, "Reading as 'System.Object' is not supported for fields having DataTypeName 'public.vector'", likely indicates that your database provider lacks built-in support for directly mapping the PostgreSQL 'vector' data type to a C# data structure. This error is occurring in the following code snippet: