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The number of pages updates incorrectly #4

Closed OliBravo closed 1 year ago

OliBravo commented 1 year ago

Hi, I use doconv for updating the table of contents as well as lists of tables and figures. I noticed that the number of pages updates incorrectly. To instert the number of pages I use officer::run_word_field function in my Rmd script. Here's a minimal reproducible example:

1) rmarkdown (save it as 'index.Rmd')

    output: officedown::rdocx_document

    ```{r setup, include=FALSE}
    knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
## Number of pages

Pages in the document: `r officer::run_word_field("NumPages  \\* MERGEFORMAT")`


## Page 1


## Page 2


## Page 3


## Page 4

2) Testing code

library(rmarkdown) library(doconv)

render( input = "index.Rmd" )


When I open the updated Word document I see the field with the number of pages shows 2, but there are 5 pages actually in the document. Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong?
davidgohel commented 1 year ago


The script that update the page number is there:

Maybe you will find an issue related to your case.

On my machine, it works as expected, TBH I already had this issue many times. This is Word that has sometimes a problem... Often, refreshing again fixes the issue

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