ardevd / jlrpy

Python library for interacting with the JLR Remote Car API
MIT License
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question on trips information #101

Closed wawibu closed 6 months ago

wawibu commented 2 years ago

first I would like to thanks for that library ! driving a landrover defender p400e plug-inn and this library is quite useful :)

I have a struggle around the trip information. I can see EV distance but all other EV related information are empty

{'trips': [{'id': xxxx, 'name': None, 'category': None, 'routeDetails': {'route': None, 'totalWaypoints': 2, 'boundingBox': {'minLongitude':, 'minLatitude':, 'maxLongitude':, 'maxLatitude':}}, 'tripDetails': {'electricalConsumption': None, 'electricalRegeneration': None, 'fuelConsumption': None, 'distance': 6900, 'startOdometer': 1257000, 'startTime': '2022-05-02T16:58:18+0000', 'startPosition': {'latitude':, 'longitude': 6.xx, 'address': 'xxx, Deutschland', 'postalCode': 'xxxx', 'city': 'xxxx', 'region': 'Nordrhein-Westfalen', 'country': 'Deutschland'}, 'endOdometer': 1264000, 'endTime': '2022-05-02T17:11:13+0000', 'endPosition': {'latitude':, 'longitude':, 'address': 'xxx', 'postalCode': 'xxx', 'city': 'xxx', 'region': 'Nordrhein-Westfalen', 'country': 'Deutschland'}, 'totalEcoScore': {'score': 96.0, 'scoreStatus': 'VALID'}, 'throttleEcoScore': {'score': 4.8, 'scoreStatus': 'VALID'}, 'speedEcoScore': {'score': 4.9, 'scoreStatus': 'VALID'}, 'brakeEcoScore': {'score': 5.0, 'scoreStatus': 'VALID'}, 'averageSpeed': 34.0, 'averageFuelConsumption': 0.0, 'averageEnergyConsumption': 0.0, 'energyRegenerated': 0.0, 'averagePHEVFuelConsumption': 0.0, 'evDistance': 6900.0}}]}

Assume as they are all 0 - there is no way to get that information? like electricalConsumption , electricalRegeneration , fuelConsumption , averageFuelConsumption , averageEnergyConsumption , energyRegenerated , averagePHEVFuelConsumption

Or I'm doing something wrong?


ardevd commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately, I have no experience with JLR PHEVs, but does the official Jaguar apps show you the information?

It seems like you're doing everything correctly and the API just doesn't have EV specific data fields filled out with relevant data for you

wawibu commented 2 years ago

the app shows also no details further then the EV distance. so might be currently looks like that they have the data points ready for further enhancements

Umair-Butt980 commented 2 years ago

Can you explain what is this UUID and where i can find it ? i have signed up on the jaguar incontrol portal but i am confused regarding this UUID

wawibu commented 2 years ago

What do you mean with UUID? the usage of this phyton library is quite good described on the first page and any kind of further details in regards to the API could be found when you follow the link to the API documentation

ardevd commented 6 months ago

Closing this due to lack of inactivity.