ardinusawan / Nginx-direct-file-upload-without-passing-them-through-backend

Nginx direct file upload without passing them through backend
61 stars 6 forks source link

file naming & 502 #1

Open JMSrulez opened 1 month ago

JMSrulez commented 1 month ago

Hi, using exact syntax, I can upload file, however I get in the end "502 Bad Gateway" and a file named 00000001234 (not as original name) or similar

Is it due to newer version of ngnix ?

JMSrulez commented 1 month ago

-rw------- 1 systemd-network systemd-journal 4104 mai 10 18:00 0000000002 sudo cat 0000000002

--------------------------dL704HgJ6ABg1Jydr6vP5K Content-Disposition: form-data; name="upload"; filename="patch-stab.stl" Content-Type: application/octet-stream

L��-h�\�~��pQ���Q�J p���-h�R���v�|� �p����?-h�R���-h�R����?@d�-��-h�R����pQ�%���pQ�%���?@d�-��-h�R����pQ�%���?-h�R����? -----------------------dL704HgJ6ABg1Jydr6vP5K--

Somewhere it's not converted to expected target file

ardinusawan commented 1 month ago

Is it due to newer version of ngnix ?

I believe so, not touching this project for long time