arduino-cmake / Arduino-CMake-NG

CMake-Based framework for Arduino platforms
MIT License
138 stars 39 forks source link

SPI library not found #64

Closed Tyrrx closed 5 years ago

Tyrrx commented 5 years ago

Hello, I have a library that uses the Arduino SPI library. After realising #include doesn't work i tried adding it maually by adding find_arduino_library(spi_lib SPI ${board_id}) link_arduino_library(main spi_lib ${board_id}) but I just got the error: CMake Error at cmake/Platform/Libraries/LibrariesFinder.cmake:38 (message): Couldn't find library named Spi

So how do i use the SPI library located at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\libraries\SPI

MrPointer commented 5 years ago

@Tyrrx Hi there, please add some info regarding your environment as stated here. Also, could you please attach your CMakeLists.txt file's content?

stuckless commented 5 years ago

I've hit this issue as well. I was trying to convert from arduino-cmake to this version, but, I seem to have hit 2 issues as listed here.

  1. It doesn't appear to find libraries that are listed in ArduinoSDK/hardware/arduino/avr/libraries
  2. It converts SPI to Spi
/home/seans/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps/CLion/ch-0/183.4886.39/bin/cmake/linux/bin/cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -G "CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles" /home/seans/git/trillium/trillium-holt-arduino
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.9.2
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 4.9.2
-- Arduino SDK version 1.8.5: /home/seans/apps/ArduinoSDK
-- Determined Platform Header: /home/seans/apps/ArduinoSDK/hardware/arduino/avr/cores/arduino/Arduino.h
-- Arduino SDK version 1.8.5: /home/seans/apps/ArduinoSDK
-- Determined Platform Header: /home/seans/apps/ArduinoSDK/hardware/arduino/avr/cores/arduino/Arduino.h
-- Check for working C compiler: /home/seans/apps/ArduinoSDK/hardware/tools/avr/bin/avr-gcc
-- Check for working C compiler: /home/seans/apps/ArduinoSDK/hardware/tools/avr/bin/avr-gcc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Arduino SDK version 1.8.5: /home/seans/apps/ArduinoSDK
-- Determined Platform Header: /home/seans/apps/ArduinoSDK/hardware/arduino/avr/cores/arduino/Arduino.h
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /home/seans/apps/ArduinoSDK/hardware/tools/avr/bin/avr-g++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /home/seans/apps/ArduinoSDK/hardware/tools/avr/bin/avr-g++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
CMake Error at cmake/Platform/Libraries/LibrariesFinder.cmake:38 (message):
  Couldn't find library named Spi
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  CMakeLists.txt:50 (find_arduino_library)

CMake Error at cmake/Platform/Targets/ArduinoLibraryTarget.cmake:70 (message):
  Target doesn't exist - It must be created first!
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  CMakeLists.txt:51 (link_arduino_library)

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "/home/seans/git/trillium/trillium-holt-arduino/cmake-build-debug/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".


if I hack LibrariesFinder.cpp and change the find_file PATH and add my ArduinoSDK/hardware/arduino/avr/libraries and then comment out the code that converts to pascal case... it finds the library... but then fails on issue #56.

My LibrariesFinder.cpp hacks are basically this..

#    if (NOT parsed_args_3RD_PARTY)
#        convert_string_to_pascal_case(${_library_name} _library_name)
#    endif ()

            NAMES ${_library_name}
            PATHS ${ARDUINO_SDK_LIBRARIES_PATH} ${ARDUINO_CMAKE_SKETCHBOOK_PATH} /home/seans/apps/ArduinoSDK/hardware/arduino/avr/libraries
            PATH_SUFFIXES libraries dependencies
/home/seans/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps/CLion/ch-0/183.4886.39/bin/cmake/linux/bin/cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -G "CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles" /home/seans/git/trillium/trillium-holt-arduino
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.9.2
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 4.9.2
-- Arduino SDK version 1.8.5: /home/seans/apps/ArduinoSDK
-- Determined Platform Header: /home/seans/apps/ArduinoSDK/hardware/arduino/avr/cores/arduino/Arduino.h
-- Arduino SDK version 1.8.5: /home/seans/apps/ArduinoSDK
-- Determined Platform Header: /home/seans/apps/ArduinoSDK/hardware/arduino/avr/cores/arduino/Arduino.h
-- Check for working C compiler: /home/seans/apps/ArduinoSDK/hardware/tools/avr/bin/avr-gcc
-- Check for working C compiler: /home/seans/apps/ArduinoSDK/hardware/tools/avr/bin/avr-gcc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Arduino SDK version 1.8.5: /home/seans/apps/ArduinoSDK
-- Determined Platform Header: /home/seans/apps/ArduinoSDK/hardware/arduino/avr/cores/arduino/Arduino.h
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /home/seans/apps/ArduinoSDK/hardware/tools/avr/bin/avr-g++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /home/seans/apps/ArduinoSDK/hardware/tools/avr/bin/avr-g++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
CMake Error at cmake/Platform/Targets/ArduinoLibraryTarget.cmake:70 (message):
  Target doesn't exist - It must be created first!
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  CMakeLists.txt:51 (link_arduino_library)

OS: Linux Distribution Ubuntu OS Version: 18.10 Platform: Arduino Platform SDK Version: 1.8.5

My CMakeLists.txt file is...

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8.2)

set(ARDUINO_SDK_PATH /home/seans/apps/ArduinoSDK/)
set(ARDUNIO_PORT /dev/ttyACM0)

set(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/Arduino-Toolchain.cmake)

set(PROJECT_NAME trillium_holt_arduino)


get_board_id(board_id uno)

file(GLOB API_HDRS api/*.h)
file(GLOB API_SRCS api/*.cpp)

file(GLOB ARINC_HDRS arinc429/holt/*.h)
file(GLOB ARINC_SRCS arinc429/holt/*.cpp)

file(GLOB DIO_HDRS dio/holt/*.h)
file(GLOB DIO_SRCS dio/holt/*.cpp)

file(GLOB RUNTIME_HDRS runtime/arduino/*.h)
file(GLOB RUNTIME_SRCS runtime/arduino/*.cpp)

file(GLOB PROG_HDRS programs/*.h)
file(GLOB PROG_SRCS programs/*.cpp)

file(GLOB MAIN_HDRS *.h)
file(GLOB MAIN_SRCS *.cpp)


add_arduino_executable(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} ${board_id} ${${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}_SRCS})

find_arduino_library(spi_lib SPI ${board_id})
link_arduino_library(Arduino_Library spi_lib ${board_id})
MrPointer commented 5 years ago

@stuckless Your problem is wrong usage of API, unfortunately... Take a minute to read this - I've added this just a few days ago (although the API has been consistent all this time) Besides, are you using the latest version of this framework? i.e. The top-listed in the releases page.

stuckless commented 5 years ago

@MrPointer - thx for the quick response.

So, in changing my CMakeLists.txt to be the following...

add_arduino_executable(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} ${board_id} ${${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}_SRCS})
link_arduino_library(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} SPI ${board_id})

I still get the following issue :(

CMake Error at cmake/Platform/Targets/ArduinoLibraryTarget.cmake:72 (message):
  Library target doesn't exist - It must be created first!
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  CMakeLists.txt:48 (link_arduino_library)

Clearly, I'm still missing something.

BTW... I cloned the root of this project, and not a tag, so, is that the latest?

MrPointer commented 5 years ago

@stuckless Actually, your'e not missing anything at all. I've just checked this on my end and found out it's clearly a bug, and moreover, a serious lack of API, which relates to #66 .

About the clone source - I'd rather not depend on the master branch as this is the main development branch in this repo, where release-unready code might exist, as opposed to a tagged release.

stuckless commented 5 years ago

@MrPointer thx, I switched to the released version. And thanks for you work this.

MrPointer commented 5 years ago

@Tyrrx @stuckless I just remembered that there's a dedicated function for linking platform libraries - It's called link_platform_library and its' API is the same as for link_arduino_library. Nonetheless, it doesn't mean that this API isn't flawed and shouldn't be fixed.

stuckless commented 5 years ago

@MrPointer thx. I can confirm that does does work.

My CMakeLists.txt now includes the following directives, and they build and upload in a similar way as the older Arduino-CMake project.

add_arduino_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} "${board_id}" ${${PROJECT_NAME}_sources} ${${PROJECT_NAME}_headers})
link_platform_library(${PROJECT_NAME} SPI "${board_id}")
upload_arduino_target(${PROJECT_NAME} "${board_id}" ${ARDUNIO_SERIAL_PORT})

Thanks again for you help with this. I do think that it would be beneficial to make the library handling more automatic (as I'm guessing you are planning with #66 ). I personally had no idea that SPI was a platform library vs an arduino library. The older Arduino-CMake figured this out, somehow, since I didn't add anything to my project's CMakeLists.txt to directly reference it. I do appreciate the work you've done on this.

MrPointer commented 5 years ago

@stuckless Great to hear that, thanks. About the API - I've known this project for a long time now, having worked on it's most popular and attractive fork prior to this "NG" project, so I know exactly how messy stuff was back in the days. Some parts were good, especially regarding usability, bad had been awful design and implementation-wise. This project tries to address many of those issues, but I don't always get it right of course - That's what community is for 😃