arduino-libraries / ArduinoBLE

ArduinoBLE library for Arduino
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Impossible to use secure/encrypted pairing - arduino nano 33 BLE #295

Open maximouth opened 1 year ago

maximouth commented 1 year ago

I want to use the different levels of authentication for a central to connect to a peripheral. I've seen in the EncryptedBatteryMonitor example you provide l38 and 39 the way to declare a characteristic of a service which require encryption to write on it:

I've also seen in the source code that it is possible to have other option for it.

There is also the enum BLE_GATT_PERM_ { (which I don't understand the usage)

So to go back to the example, I don't understand how the callback function for the pairing works. There are functions declared between line 58 and 151 named callbacks, and key management. I don't understand how to use them, and where to declare them.

In the function setEventHandler, the only handler available are the connect and disconnect.

When I try to use this example, every time I try to pair a device to the example running, I got an error, and no evidence of the callback function called, nothing prints on the Serial port.

Can you help me with this please ? To understand how to use the different callback pairing functions, and the different parameters available and the purpose of the different existing enum and all the things I wonder into this field.

Is there documentation about how to use this feature ?

Is there another existing library usable to use secure pairing between two elements ?

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IDC44 commented 1 year ago

Hello, Have you managed to use pairing with pass key? Thanks

maximouth commented 1 year ago


No I gave up using the arduino library for that.. like other peope before me with the no responses we get. I've moved to the nrf library. As it's a NRF52840 used into the nano 33 BLE board it's good.

It's a little more complicated to use than the arduino library, but at least it's working. I can pair with a pass key two BLE boards/phone/object...

But if there is an existing solution and a documentation about how to use the arduino library for secure BLE communication I'm up too :)

secretshardul commented 10 months ago

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