Closed CKFFMGH closed 3 years ago
Hi :wave: Flash isn't your only problem. RAM exhaustion is far worse. The Uno WiFi Rev. 2's ATMEGA4809 packs 6 kB of SRAM but BearSSL recommends 32 kB (split in 16 kB IN-Buffer and 16 kB OUT-Buffer). You can do with less, but you really can't do with a total of 6 kB where you also need space for your application.
PS: The tutorial you are referencing uses an MKR WiFi 1010 which has a ATSAMD21G18 on board - this one packs at least 48 kB of SRAM (and 256 kB of flash vs. 48 kB for the Uno).
First of all Thanks for your work! As this is my first ever comment on GitHub I'm not quite sure whether I am right here but anyways..
I do need to make my UNO WiFi Rev 2 an AWS "Thing". So I followed the instructions given here: Which went fine until compiling, as the Flash of the UNO is only 48kB which I overshot by 400%.
Searching the internet gave me no solution, only other people with the same problem. On I found a size calculator and some information making me guess, that it should be possible to shrink the library for that specific use case to a compiled size of less than 20kB. Alone - I don't know how and commenting out section by section is not .... efficient.
So: Is there a way to have that exact functionality as given in the first link but with no more than 30kB of compiled size? And if so, how would I do that?
Thank you! Chris
P.S. Reducing the buffer size helped, but still > 100% of the available memory blocked and I can't assess how low I can go