arduino-libraries / ArduinoECCX08

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Self signed certificate error with using ATECC608A #24

Open ymallik opened 4 years ago

ymallik commented 4 years ago

We are trying to generate self signed certificate using ATECC608A chip. Our environment is Arduino M0 and ATECC608A chip is connected through I2C line and chip is recognized.

When we try to generate self signed certificate, we get the error, "Error starting self signed cert generation!" (beginStorage() function fails). When we debugged further, it fails at crc16() function in receiveResponse() in ECCX08.cpp file.

scarolan commented 2 years ago

I experienced the same error, reported in #41. I'm working on an ESP32 but the error looks the same.

Have you tried experimenting with different slots? For some reason I had much better luck with slot 2 than any others. Even so, slot 2 would also error out around 50% of the time. I also noticed it will sometimes create a self-signed certificate with a bad/missing date field.