arduino-libraries / ArduinoModbus

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Problems debugging the library #48

Open SWoto opened 3 years ago

SWoto commented 3 years ago

Hey everyone, hope you're all safe and sound (as possible) during these dark times.

Aditional Information


I'm using the ArduinoModbus library and so far so good. However, yesterday, I tried communicating with a different hardware with the Arduino as the slave to have its input registers read. The code, Modbus RTU Server Kitchen Sink with little modifications, receives the message right (added print function to the .cpp) but doesn't reply as it should.

Due to most past of the core code being in c i can't use Serial.print() to debug and looks like printf and fprintf doesn't work (at least not for me).

Have anyone managed to make those two functions work? How are you debugging it?

(Slave/Server) Serial Monitor

21:23:06.865 -> Received: 2A040000000137D1 
21:23:06.902 -> RETURN: modbus_reply: 7

(Master/Client) Serial Monitor

Master send:2A040000000137D1
Master received:
per1234 commented 3 years ago

This issue tracker is only to be used to report bugs or feature requests. This topic is more appropriate for the Arduino Forum. I'm sure we'll be able to help you with your problem over there.

Please do this:

  1. Read
  2. If you haven't already done so, create a new thread in the appropriate section of the forum (, following all the rules. Be sure to post your code, using code tags (</> button on the toolbar).

Update: the forum thread

SWoto commented 3 years ago


Probably due to the hardware (SAMD), the code tries to reply too early and it isn't able to do so. I checked with the oscilloscope and although the debugging showed that the reply was correctly built and sent, the signal wasn't there.

I've tried adding some delay to check if this was the problem and it solved. I tested from 5ms to 500ms and if worked form 110 to 500.


void ModbusRTUServerClass::poll()
  uint8_t request[MODBUS_RTU_MAX_ADU_LENGTH];

  int requestLength = modbus_receive(_mb, request);

  if (requestLength > 0) {
    modbus_reply(_mb, request, requestLength, &_mbMapping);


void ModbusRTUServerClass::poll()
  uint8_t request[MODBUS_RTU_MAX_ADU_LENGTH];

  int requestLength = modbus_receive(_mb, request);

  modbus_reply(_mb, request, requestLength, &_mbMapping);