arduino-libraries / Arduino_UnifiedStorage

Read and write files to flash, USB mass storage and SD cards in a unified way.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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`prettyPrintFileSystemType()` returns incorrect spelling for LittleFS #43

Closed aliphys closed 2 months ago

aliphys commented 2 months ago

When the prettyPrintFileSystemType() method is applied to a LittleFS partition, it correctly identifies it as a LittleFS partition. However, the spelling is LitlleFS when it should be LittleFS instead.

Partition: 1
Size: 12284
Type: LitlleFS

This is repeatable, by running the following AUA_SPIS_FORMAT_002.ino test sketch:

Sketch ``` #include "Arduino_UnifiedStorage.h" #include // Create a vector of partitions with one partition of 16MB using LittleFS std::vector partitioningScheme = { {12288, FS_LITTLEFS}, // 12 MB LittleFS Partition }; const char testCaseID[] = "AUS_SPIS_FORMAT_002"; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); while (!Serial); Serial.println("---"); Serial.print("Test Case ID: "); Serial.println(testCaseID); Serial.println("---"); Arduino_UnifiedStorage::debuggingModeEnabled = true; if (Arduino_UnifiedStorage::debuggingModeEnabled) { Serial.println("Arduino_UnifiedStorage debug messages ON."); } bool partitioned = InternalStorage::partition(partitioningScheme); // list all partitions std::vector partitions = InternalStorage::readPartitions(); for (int i = 0; i < partitions.size(); i++) { Serial.println("Partition: " + String(i + 1)); Serial.println("Size: " + String(partitions[i].size)); Serial.println("Type: " + prettyPrintFileSystemType(partitions[i].fileSystemType)); Serial.println(); } } void loop() { } ```
Serial Monitor ``` --- Test Case ID: AUS_SPIS_FORMAT_002 --- Arduino_UnifiedStorage debug messages ON. [Partitioning][isPartitioningSchemeValid][INFO] Partitioning Scheme is Valid [Partitioning][eraseMBRSector][INFO] MBR Sector Erased [Partitioning][eraseMBRSector][INFO] MBR Sector Erased [Partitioning][INFO] Partition 1 created [Partitioning][formatPartition][INFO] Formatting partition 1 [Partitioning][formatPartition][INFO] Partition 1 formatted successfully [Partitioning][readPartitions][INFO] Partition 1 is formatted with LittleFS file system [Partitioning][readPartitions][INFO] Partition 2 is empty, skipping [Partitioning][readPartitions][INFO] Partition 3 is empty, skipping [Partitioning][readPartitions][INFO] Partition 4 is empty, skipping Partition: 1 Size: 12284 Type: LitlleFS ```