arduino-libraries / Ethernet

Ethernet Library for Arduino
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Inconsistencies between Ethernet libraries of different architectures #251

Open soosp opened 4 months ago

soosp commented 4 months ago

I'm working on a multi architecture project and foundthat there are inconsistencies of Ethernet libraries for different architectures. E.g.:

  1. Ethernet library for AVR contains Dns.h (with more DNS related functions) while Ehternet for Opta doesn't
  2. Ehternet for AVR doesn't contain hostname related functions (e.g.: Ethternet.setHostName())

It'd be good to synchronize different Arduino architectures at API level, to make it possible to create portable code.

soosp commented 4 months ago

It was posted to also.

JAndrassy commented 4 months ago

soosp commented 4 months ago

Thanks, it very informative. But I think, that the APIs (at least the ones maintained by Arduino) sould be in sync to support the cross-platform development.

JAndrassy commented 4 months ago

But I think, that the APIs (at least the ones maintained by Arduino) sould be in sync to support the cross-platform development.

yes I am working on it. Ale the + in the tables are functions added since September 2023 and many PR are waiting to be merged
