arduino-libraries / Ethernet

Ethernet Library for Arduino
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`EthernetClass::socketRecvAvailable()` is not updated when called multiple times #259

Open Bascy opened 2 months ago

Bascy commented 2 months ago

When EthernetClass::socketRecvAvailable() is called multiple times, i.e. to wait for a minimum number of chars to reac, the returned number of recived bytes is not updated in between.

SSLClient ( needs this in ssl__client.cpp, where in client_net_recv_timeout the process will wait until the expected number of bytes is received or a timeout is triggers.

uint16_t EthernetClass::socketRecvAvailable(uint8_t s)
  uint16_t ret = state[s].RX_RSR;
  if (ret == 0) {
    uint16_t rsr = getSnRX_RSR(s);
    ret = rsr - state[s].RX_inc;
    state[s].RX_RSR = ret;
  return ret;

This solves the problem I have with SSLClient

uint16_t EthernetClass::socketRecvAvailable(uint8_t s)
  uint16_t rsr = getSnRX_RSR(s);
  state[s].RX_RSR = rsr - state[s].RX_inc;
  return state[s].RX_RSR;