arduino-libraries / MKRWAN

An Arduino library for sending and receiving data using LoRaWAN protocol and LoRa® radios.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Problem when updating module murata #45

Closed sabas1080 closed 5 years ago

sabas1080 commented 5 years ago

I have 20 arduino MKR1300

I am updating 3 arduino mkr1300 with example of "MKRWANFWUpdate_standalone"

but update does not finish in 3 arduino MKR1300, other devices ok update

captura de pantalla 2019-01-18 a la s 11 46 17

facchinm commented 5 years ago

Hi @sabas1080 , sorry for the late response.

The 3 boards that are not updating are working fine with standard firmware (FirstConfiguration example) ? If so, it may be a timing issue, since the factory flash is executed using a slightly modified version of MKRWANFWUpdate_standalone sketch so any sold board should be able to update the fw.

Let me know! Thanks

sabas1080 commented 5 years ago

in one FirstConfiguration example not work

in all devices the monitor serial break and not respond

facchinm commented 5 years ago

About the serial monitor, are you able to use it with other boards or does it always break? I see you are on OSX so I'm not "at home" but it looks like you have another program running in the background which breaks the serial communication. Is it feasible for you to test the boards with another computer? This would also help sorting out why one doesn't even run FirstConfiguration sketch.

sabas1080 commented 5 years ago

in other boards not break, I have test in other computer with windows same error

facchinm commented 5 years ago

Ok, I suggest you to write to support for a replacement linking this github issue and the purchase order. Sorry for the inconvenience

pelikhan commented 5 years ago

Just got 4 boards from Amazon, 3 of them are bricked after trying the update script. (connect with Serial Monitor, try to press keys, nothing happening). The boards won't come back to life.

facchinm commented 5 years ago

@pelikhan it's physically impossible to brick a board using the updater sketch (since its only writes the Murata module memory). What happens if you double click the reset button? The orange LED should start fading and the board should be in bootloader mode again.

pelikhan commented 5 years ago

The updated script gets stack after printing the first line to the serial console. It did work on one board after numerous resets.

sabas1080 commented 5 years ago

I am buying more mkr 1300 boards and this is becoming a very common error @facchinm

facchinm commented 5 years ago

It might be related with a module variability at this point; just to make sure it's not IDE related, would you mind (both @pelikhan and @sabas1080 ) to post your PC specs, SAMD core version, MKRWAN library version (attach it here if you patched it) so I can try reproducing locally with a board from a recent batch? Thanks

pelikhan commented 5 years ago

How can we get that info?

pelikhan commented 5 years ago

Is there any diagnostic Arduino sketch we can run?

sslupsky commented 5 years ago

Could these random update issues be related to the power supply issue with the Murata module? That is, the module on unmodified boards has an incorrect voltage applied when using the USB port.

sabas1080 commented 5 years ago

Arduino IDE 1.8.8 and 1.8.6 MKRWAN version: 1.0.9 OS: MAC OS High Sierra SAMD Core: 1.6.20

pelikhan commented 5 years ago

I don’t have the board at hand but my issues were on Windows 10.

per1234 commented 5 years ago

How can we get that info?

@pelikhan Here's how to find the SAMD core version:

  1. Tools > Board > Boards Manager
  2. Wait for downloads to finish
  3. Scroll down until you see "Arduino SAMD Boards (32-bits ARM Cortex-M0+) by Arduino version x.y.z INSTALLED", where x.y.z is the version you have installed.
  4. Click "Close".

Here's how to get the MKRWAN library version:

  1. Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries
  2. Wait for download to finish
  3. In the "Filter your search" field, type "MKRWAN". The search result should show "MKRWAN by Arduino version x.y.z INSTALLED", where x.y.z is the version of the library you have installed.
facchinm commented 5 years ago

@sabas1080 would you mind sending me the serial number of the malfunctioning boards? To obtain it, connect a board and select "Tools/Get Board Info" from the IDE. Any sketch must be running (no bootloader mode, blink is enough). Thanks a lot

facchinm commented 5 years ago

@sabas1080 @pelikhan would you mind testing this patch ? I was able to reproduce the hang at SAMD level and to fix it by setting cmd_get_reply variable to NULL. On my boards the Murata always responded correctly anyway, so I hope it's only a sw issue.

sabas1080 commented 5 years ago

@facchinm fix problem! 4 boards :D

pelikhan commented 5 years ago

How do I deploy this patch?

sabas1080 commented 5 years ago

@pelikhan I modified the sketch directly, file .h only add "=null"