For simple embedded systems that just need to know the time +/- a second a recommended polling interval of 2^10 (1024 seconds) or longer is recommended to minimize the load on public time severs while providing accurate time. With a crystal with +/-50ppm accuracy a polling interval give +/-50 ms! This is in the range of network packet delay times for NTP itself for a typical embedded system. Very sufficient for second level accuracy.
If you need better than this a $10 module can provide a pulse per second accurate time signal to an accuracy of 50 nanoseconds!
There is no need for polling public time servers more often than once an hour.
unsigned long _updateInterval = (1024*1000); // In ms, 2^10 seconds, 63 minutes
For simple embedded systems that just need to know the time +/- a second a recommended polling interval of 2^10 (1024 seconds) or longer is recommended to minimize the load on public time severs while providing accurate time. With a crystal with +/-50ppm accuracy a polling interval give +/-50 ms! This is in the range of network packet delay times for NTP itself for a typical embedded system. Very sufficient for second level accuracy. If you need better than this a $10 module can provide a pulse per second accurate time signal to an accuracy of 50 nanoseconds! There is no need for polling public time servers more often than once an hour.