With the code below you can add the function to get the date from the rawTime
this is a test code and i have not tested it very well
* @return Date formatted like `dd/mm/yyyy`
String getFormattedDate() const;
String NTPClient::getFormattedDate() const {
unsigned long rawTime = this->getEpochTime();
// Define constants for seconds in a day, year, and leap year
#define SEC_IN_DAY 86400
#define SEC_IN_YEAR 31536000
#define SEC_IN_LEAP_YEAR 31622400
// Define an array for the number of days in each month
int days_in_month[] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
// Initialize the date to January 1st, 1970
unsigned long years = 1970;
unsigned long months = 1;
unsigned long days = 1;
// Add the number of years elapsed since the epoch
while (rawTime >= SEC_IN_YEAR)
if ((years % 4 == 0 && years % 100 != 0) || (years % 400 == 0))
if (rawTime >= SEC_IN_LEAP_YEAR)
rawTime -= SEC_IN_LEAP_YEAR;
} else
break; // not enough seconds for a leap year
} else
rawTime -= SEC_IN_YEAR;
// Add the number of months elapsed in the current year
while (rawTime >= SEC_IN_DAY)
if (rawTime >= days_in_month[months - 1] * SEC_IN_DAY)
rawTime -= days_in_month[months - 1] * SEC_IN_DAY;
} else
break; // not enough seconds for a month
// Adjust for February in a leap year
if (months == 2 && ((years % 4 == 0 && years % 100 != 0) || (years % 400 == 0)))
rawTime -= SEC_IN_DAY;
// Adjust for year boundary
if (months >12) {
months = months -12;
// Add the number of days elapsed in the current month
while (rawTime >= SEC_IN_DAY) { rawTime -= SEC_IN_DAY; days++; }
// Convert the date components to strings with leading zeros if needed
String yearStr = String(years);
String monthStr = months <10 ? "0" + String(months) : String(months);
String dayStr = days <10 ? "0" + String(days) : String(days);
// Return the date in dd/mm/yyyy format
return dayStr + "/" + monthStr + "/" + yearStr;
Thanks for your suggestion @Neoxxgr. In order to make it easy for the interested parties to find all the relevant information, I'll share the links to related proposals:
With the code below you can add the function to get the date from the rawTime this is a test code and i have not tested it very well NTPClient.h